Sure thing:) the instructions are below in the list i just posted;) if you need help with the wallet let me know
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Sure thing:) the instructions are below in the list i just posted;) if you need help with the wallet let me know
NO I dont understand that
I want to do this on Twitter
What I can do there
and how do you verify my promotion there?
And How many Retweets and Fresh Tweets for how many tokens ETC
Let me know if this is Steemit Specific
I am not buying your promotion on twitter. This is a faucet. I give out tokens to the best 20 comments. Since you are here early you get 50000 iotas. All you have to do is link your address so i can send them to you. I though you were giving me a shoutout on twitter. I certainly dont want to purchase anything;)
no no I am not trying to sell anything on twitter.. Id be happy to follow official IOTA twitter page and Retweet 3 IOTA Tweets that you tell exchange for the IOTAS you are offering me.
Is that OK?
OR do I still need to make a TOP 20 comment here or Resteem here as well?
m8 all you need to do is post you wallet address i got you. If you want to shoutout some of my Iota posts that would be terrific:) this my twitter you can pick anything you like on there
alright I followed you and Retweeted 3 Tweets from your profile
Retweeted these.. you must have got an alert and you can see me in the total likes tab
~~~ embed:894508089906540544 twitter metadata:SW90YWZvcmFsbHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Jb3RhZm9yYWxsL3N0YXR1cy84OTQ1MDgwODk5MDY1NDA1NDR8 ~~~
So I will go home from work and Download Wallet and Send you my address..
Where to send the address ? here? or or something
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
thanks a lot mate yes just post it here. I will send out each transfer during the day today. Because you supported so hard i will send you 100.000 iota:) cheers
Thank you :)
Cheers !