Iota and Tesla. Now thats a duo I can stand behind.

in #iota7 years ago (edited)

Iota has just recently released a video of Iota Smart Charging.

For one thing this is just awesome from a pure nerd perspective. We are seeing the Iot (internet of things) being added and integrated into cool new fields. For another reason why is this truly good, is that it is one step closer to making our world more sustainable.

Lets dig a little deeper into this smart charging. I mean it sounds cool. But what does it entail? (I'll link the video below, but I will summarize it here).

Lets say Bill drives his kids to school. He parks his car. Plugs it into a supercharger (maybe one day wireless) and then walks his kids to class. While Bill is away from his car, the battery is charging via the solar cells on the schools roof. Then Bill comes back to a car with a larger range. Later that night he plugs his car into his house. From there his house could draw electricity from the car's battery to power his house (hopefully car batteries will significantly improve, but hey this is in the future). Then when everyone in the house is asleep, the extra electricity in the circuits is then transferred into the car's battery until it is fully charged. The video also talks about how during say a concert, the cars parked outside could power the event in exchange for a lower concert ticket price.

Now this sounds all good and dandy but, electricity is not free. It costs money. How are we going to charge people? Well today we have some centralized institution that looks at electricity consumption and charges fairly. With say Iota or any other cryptocurrency that employs Distributed Ledger Technology this is no longer an issue. It is secure and transparent. One might say we could use Bitcoin, but well in all honestly Bitcoin sucks. Its outdated, slow, high fees, and SHA 256 will be cracked in the next 20 years. Iota is far better. Anyways, I got distracted.

In the long term this would be a fantastic application for blockchain technology (yea I know Iota employs the DAG (Tangle)).

Lets make the world safe, reliable and sustainable for the future.

Iota Smart Charging:

ETC Links:

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