ah alright, never mind :)
I am new to cryptos... Learning
and Carefully listening yo your instructions... I love this Tech <3
ah alright, never mind :)
I am new to cryptos... Learning
and Carefully listening yo your instructions... I love this Tech <3
stick with Iota your in the right place:)
sent just waiting for confirmation. This might take a bit due to recent network upgrade:) cheers
Thank you:)
And you tell me to Stick with it for how many Months or Years ?
and IOTA Price Turns GREEN right after you sent me ;)
I am lucky for IOTA - hahahaha ;)
Iota is the best crypto in the space. You are still very early to the tangle technology. Keep accumulating and dont sell before 2025. Thats my honest opinion. Daily moves in the market is for beginners. Hold tight. Read more into it and you will understand why Iota is a gamechanger:) ps:i dont like to speculate on price;) but of course i have a prediction:) you can join the slack and we can chat more
2025 id my best to stick to it.
Sure I will read more and try and slack.. I am learning :)
Thanks once again...
Check your balance;)
I checked.. there are 100 IOTAS :)
We can do Marketing in Future for IOTA ... remember that..:) You can always Drop me a DM on Twitter.
Since you told me this is the best..:) :)

which unit trades in the market?
and how much are these 1,00,000 IOTAs worth?
pretty confusing ..lol
Traded in Miota (1 Megaiota is 1 Million iota tokens) compare it to satoshi btc only that iota is still extremely undervalued because people dont get the scaling for one. It must be like this because of use for the IoT (internet of Things). Hope this helps;)
nice thank you:) your balance is 100,000 iotas not 100;) cheers m8 have a great evening