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RE: In Tangle we trust - 10 amazing facts about IOTA + 1000000 token giveaway (Faucet closed- Pending payouts still resuming)

in #iota8 years ago (edited)

NO I dont understand that

I want to do this on Twitter

What I can do there

and how do you verify my promotion there?

And How many Retweets and Fresh Tweets for how many tokens ETC

  • The only thing I get from above instructions is that I need to Download a Wallet...other than that there are no instructions for Twitter...

Let me know if this is Steemit Specific


I am not buying your promotion on twitter. This is a faucet. I give out tokens to the best 20 comments. Since you are here early you get 50000 iotas. All you have to do is link your address so i can send them to you. I though you were giving me a shoutout on twitter. I certainly dont want to purchase anything;)

no no I am not trying to sell anything on twitter.. Id be happy to follow official IOTA twitter page and Retweet 3 IOTA Tweets that you tell exchange for the IOTAS you are offering me.

Is that OK?

OR do I still need to make a TOP 20 comment here or Resteem here as well?

m8 all you need to do is post you wallet address i got you. If you want to shoutout some of my Iota posts that would be terrific:) this my twitter you can pick anything you like on there

alright I followed you and Retweeted 3 Tweets from your profile

Retweeted these.. you must have got an alert and you can see me in the total likes tab

  1. ~~~ embed:894508089906540544 twitter metadata:SW90YWZvcmFsbHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9Jb3RhZm9yYWxsL3N0YXR1cy84OTQ1MDgwODk5MDY1NDA1NDR8 ~~~


So I will go home from work and Download Wallet and Send you my address..

Where to send the address ? here? or or something

Iotaforall Iotaforall tweeted @ 07 Aug 2017 - 10:38 UTC…

Iotaforall Iotaforall tweeted @ 12 Aug 2017 - 14:26 UTC…

Iotaforall Iotaforall tweeted @ 31 Jul 2017 - 10:51 UTC…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

thanks a lot mate yes just post it here. I will send out each transfer during the day today. Because you supported so hard i will send you 100.000 iota:) cheers