Internet of Things is knocking on your doors (actually, it is inside your room already)

in #iot7 years ago

From my previous posts you might see that I truly believe in IOTA, as it has distinguished itself from other crypto, and I believe in many positive ways will bring us closer to what will happen in a near future.

First article I have read today is about Volvo and Autiliv are about to form a new partnership they will call Zenunity. Their aim is to have the fully functional software by 2021 developing self-driving cars based on Nvidia's Drive PX computing platform. What does it mean? It means that by 2021 Internet of Things (IoT) will be implemented in every aspect of our lives.

Next, Android Things console. This was announced on 28 June 2017 (just in case you read it later)

 This console allows developers to manage the software running on their fleet of Android Things IoT devices, including creating factory images, as well as updating the operating system and developer-provided APKs.  

Further they say:

 Google provides all of the infrastructure for over-the-air (OTA) updates, so developers can focus on their specific application and not have to build their own implementation – getting their IoT devices to enter the market faster and more securely than before. 

So, the story of IoT is going to Android devices and its going big time. 

Another, a bit older post I have read after is from Gatner site where they have an article: 

Gartner Predicts a Virtual World of Exponential Change

What they say at the very beginning of this article, I believe you all will agree with me that we are experiencing it already today:

 By 2020, the average person will have more conversations with bots than with their spouse. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and conversational user interfaces, we are increasingly likely to interact with a bot (and not know it) than ever before. The digital experience has become addictive by entering our lives through smartphones, tablets, virtual personal assistants (VPAs) or the entertainment systems in our homes and cars. 

Here are Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Predictions for 2017 and Beyond: Surviving the Storm Winds of Digital Disruption (look at points 8 and 9)

1. Immersive Shopping Experiences

By 2020, 100 million consumers will shop in augmented reality.

2.Voice First Browsing

By 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen.

3. Mobile Apps Decline

By 2019, 20% of brands will abandon their mobile apps.

4. Algorithms at Work

By 2020, algorithms will positively alter the behavior of billions of global workers.

5. Blockchain Grows Up

By 2022, a blockchain-based business will be worth $10 billion.

6. Digital Giants Everywhere

By 2021, 20% of all activities an individual engages in will involve at least one of the top-seven digital giants.

7. Innovation Requires Greater Investment

Through 2019, every $1 enterprises invest in innovation will require an additional $7 in core execution.

8. IoT Data Storage Stays Low

Through 2020, IoT will increase data center storage demand by less than 3%.

9. IoT Saves Trillions

By 2022, IoT will save consumers and businesses $1 trillion a year in maintenance, services and consumables.

10. Wearables Cut Healthcare Costs

By 2020, 40% of employees can cut their healthcare costs by wearing a fitness tracker.

There are a lot more articles about IoT and its implementation in real life, mostly in medical solutions, human safety, data safety, and work efficiency. 

While I was writing this post I was listening (and still am) webcast from "Cloud EXPO New York City", where I just heard how Rolls-Royce is re-engineering their business model where they will rent their engines instead of selling them, as they see huge benefits for their company. They call it 'Power-by-the-Hour' where airline companies can rent airplane engines instead of buying them. Rolls-Royce is installing sensors that alert even before failure occur. 

The Internet of Things is already in our lives, maybe some are not aware of it, we on steemit are, as we know that bots are 'communicating' with us, rewarding us, or warning us. It is now up to us to accept it, and adopt it, or just to stay behind and regret it later.

Last statement here might be blunt, but is true: I have a gut feeling about advantages of IoT, and IOTA, and being 54 years old, I can truly say that my gut feeling had never let me down. That being sad, I will follow the progress of IoT and IOTA, and will update you steemerians with what I find relevant to this community.