The Unification of IoT devices through the blockchain

in #iot6 years ago

Iot is widely spread now and we can see it implemented in various different machines and things. This wide adoption has created what is called fragmentation. In many cases in order to operate a given device you need to open a different application every time making them closed networks. You can't use an application say for a smart door on a say Samsung's smart watch. This fragmentation lead to high discrepancy in IoT devices and now unification is needed more than ever.

There is a need for a standard that can adopted between the IoT devices to create a homogeneous ecosystem. Just like how Alt coins in Ethereum use the same standard RUFF chain proposed the creation of a unified OS that would unite different IoT devices rendering them homogeneous. If we examine IoT devices we will realized that on the hardware level there exist a level of standardization like the bluetooth used or WIFI standard used and so on. What is lacking is on OS and application level. If the latter is achieved devices from different manufacturers would be able to communicate.

You might wonder now; wouldn't the existing solutions suffice to create a standard? Yes and No. Yes in the sense that it will need a lot of work and refactoring to achieve that; the No is because the current solutions lack in features and functionalities and are quite hard to read and maintain. This is quite similar to programming languages where we had Fortran and C++. The later had many functionalities and features that were lacking in Fortran. Fortran was ancient and was not able to cope with hardware advancements unlike C++. With ruff chain compare this Ruff chain's syntax:


to this General Purpose I2C I/O Expansion Chip programming syntax :

GPIO_LED.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1 | GPIO_Pin_11 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15;
GPIO_LED.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;

Courtesy of

You can see with ruff chain the syntax is quite easy to comprehend and develop unlike the General Purpose I2C I/O Expansion Chip. This alone has attracted many developers.

Ruff chain community had more than 13k engineers registered in the network with more than 50% actually buying the RUFF hardware and deploying code. As more engineers join the network the more innovation is expected to happen and also the likely the standard would shape properly and become widely adopted.

The other advantage to Ruff Chain is the ability to allow communication between different devices. So you can have multiple manufacturers building over the platform which means those devices would have the same underlying technology allowing those devices to communicate between each other.

Ruff Chain's consensus is the delegated proof of stake. Unlike the current bitcoin's proof of work where whales with high has power machinery control the network the delegated proof of stake tries to minimize to eliminating that by a voting system. On each cycle a vote takes place as to who can create the next block. The more tokens you hold the higher your vote's weight. That way you shifted weight from hardware power to stakes power. The more tokens you own the more power you have. In the ruff chain network a block is generated every 9 seconds. Voting takes place every round. A round has 105 slots for 105 agents producing 105 blocks. that means a block for each agent. Each block has the round number, the slot number and its height or the size of data it contains.

Interesting times ahead for Ruff chain. On July 19th there would be an IoT workshop at Shanghai Kungfu Startups Held by Ruff chain and Microsoft Azure IoT hub. Participants will get development packages in an effort to get more developers on board. The reason why this is important is to generate more traction and exposure among IoT enthusiasts. As more people get onboard and specially IoT developers the more applications we will be looking at on the Ruff Chain. The founder seems quite connected to be able to land such events. The development team has successfully tested account transfer, elections and the voting over the Ruff Chain.


Ruff Chain Website:
Ruff Chain Medium Channel:


I think I understand quite clearly the consensus set to be achieved across all IoT devices and applications but the write up on code really knocked me off, I'm not a code person

Same here, I understood most of the part but not the code part. BTW its very good article.

Very well covered article !! Great to see some example of C++ sample code within the article. Keep up the good work

I know right normally the articles i see on steem don't go this indepth was definitly a nice change of pace :)

To be fair the syntax looks pretty simple and if this the standard, I can see why devs will want to use Ruff

That's a good thing to simplify the entire process, making room for more accommodation and creating a more robust environment for developers

great article, honestly this is the first time am seeing a sample of ruffchain syntax.

Nice article. I am very well interested in the workshop. Wish there would be a live stream of the event.

Yea. I would have loved that idea too. Would have made following up a lot easier.

It is a good suggestion and a live stream always attracts people knowing it is a live event.

Great chance to increase the audience

Yeah, most people love video over other means getting information

I don't get why more projects don't provide live streams of events its such a great way to drive real attention and demand, and get people interested. It's not like its hard to handle with things like twitch available

Nice article. Lots new things are coming to front me via this article. This is also nice to see that on 19th July IoT workshop at Shanghai Kungfu Startups Held by Ruff chain and Microsoft Azure IoT hub. I hope they will have any video streaming of this workshop.

I don't have an idea if they'll have live feed on that, but I do know they're currently making a video to help investors understand the running of ruffchain

Im expecting massive things from this project with an award winning team behind them..

You're right, a lot is expected from them and they are indeed leaving up to the expectations of the community, exciting times ahead

Yeah, Roy winning the blockchain CEO of the year was a massive suprise, hopefully he keeps his momentum up!

The most influential CEO award speaks volumes for me in a world saturated with ico's. That takes some achievement and great to see Roy recognised for it.

Your not alone mate. Ruff team is very gifted and experienced. They have all it takes to produce results.

The quality of individuals that make up this project's team is really interesting

Great article, very interesting read about the technical side of the project.

Agree. I thought I know already everything about it but it constantly gives me more information for consideration. This sample for Expansion Chip programming, for example, good to see this.

I like the way that the different devices made by multiple manufactures can still communicate on the underlying technology of the Ruff Chain platform.

So it should be in the IoT network: different devices have only the same protocol in their driver for connecting and communicating to each other. This is how I would imagine it if they just told me only the concept of IoT.

Well written article and very insightful. I have been hearing about the syntax but this actually my first time seeing a sample and it looks pretty simple.

This is a really interesting article with many technical details. I wish I had as much technical knowledge as you, but I learn to do it every day. also thanks to your article

Really well written and explained with technical details. I am expecting more article like this in future from Ruff also.

On the other look of things could DPOS be better than POW if the power of control is dependent on the number of tokens held?

RUFF chain proposed the creation of a unified OS that would unite different IoT devices. This is log due, there are many IoT devices but they are not able to communicate with each other.

Nice write up, I hope they successfully implement the creation of a unified OS.

I think they are now very close to it, they are working on this OS since 4 years and they have done lot of research as well.

On July 19th there would be an IoT workshop at Shanghai Kungfu Startups? Is there any live streaming of this workshop?