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RE: My buddy @timcliff thinks investors are key! I think seeking steem investors puts the cart before the horse...

in #investors6 years ago

Those are indeed some valid point here.

And why are we so obsessed with big investors?

There is a fundamental difference here that i dont know If @timcliff realized: we are not talking about pouring money in a Company with the expectativa that the Company grow over time. We are talking about Trading money for money.

Calling big players to buy steem to Rise its price os only based on the prossibilty that one day that money (steem) Will be Worth more than what you paid for.

This is speculation, not investing.

When we talk about investing we need to think what we have to offer in return besides the market speculation.

Here is a suggestion for you big steemers (@timcliff included):

Try to pitch investors to put money on steem projects (@utopian-io, @steemhunt, etc etc), and not on steem itself.

This is what May bring Future returns besides the price speculation.


This is speculation, not investing.

Omg, that is exactly what @iamstan and I have talked about. Instead of investing in projects that could increase the value of their investments, many are hoping that if they passively sit and wait on the Steem they hold will eventually worth more through the work of others.

Jokes on them because if they had stepped in, they could facilitate that obsessed ROI quicker.

I have had this in my head and Im not sure its conveyed the whole time, but thats exactly what I mean when I ask "What are you giving them to invest in?" and "We have to give them something to to invest in!"

You got it! Thanks for reading.