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RE: PwC appointed administrators for Beaufort Securities as Financial Conduct Authority declares firm insolvent. Up to 20,000 clients have invested in products such as ISAs and Pensions and are owed around £700m..!!

in #investors-group7 years ago

£700m is not a small amount and especially for the pensioners and poor people who invested in it thinking of a better future and getting something in return.its heart breaking and shocking for those people who had invested their hard earn money with their sweat and blood, that just goes to show how much it’s risky to invest cause anything can happen . @steemit is the only platform which i think has a secured and sure future so people need to invest here more and people schold know about it and be encouraged to spend here @stephenkendal thanks for sharing this news which is sad but also its just shows our future is secure here cause it has been more than a year since steemit has estb and is doing very well. Continue your @promo-steem work and people who are real investors who will be rewarded for their work and investement can come here. Keep it up in doing what you do best.