Hi Stephen,
we need you great promotional talent here to help
Steem get listed on Netcoins!
We have a chance to get listed on Netcoins,
but everyone needs to help with voting, because currently Pac Coin and Verge are ahead of us.
There will be huge benefits of joining Netcoins:
Getting Steem sold in 171,000 retail locations in over 53 countries across 6 continents
Press releases and media exposure on financial sites and crypto sites (Nasdaq, Globenewswire, Coinmarketcap, Coincodex
Global OTC desk availability
This is the link to vote http://contest.gonetcoins.com
It only takes 30 seconds! So if you are a true Steemian please help put and
vote. You can revote every 24 hours! so keep at it, because there are only 3 days left!
Help spread the word!
(Sorry for posting in you comment section, but eventhough people might have already heard about this,
i hope this can help to actually make people vote, and not just sit back and wait for the result)