Decided to create in one place all useful links about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. So, any person, without any clue about blockchain, can start from the scratch and become one of us ;-)
Will appreciate if you'll add any useful links in comments, so I can update this list.
- Basic economic background for understanding global environment How The Economic Machine Works.
- Must! In order to understand blockchain and cryptocurrencies you need this. From Prof. Donald J. Patterson, explains in popular and easy way.
What is a Hash Code? part 1
What is a Hash Code? part 2
Next videos about bitcoin, very basic and general overview, but great for newbies:
Here is bitcoin part 1
Here is bitcoin part 2
Here is bitcoin part 3
Bitcoin mining
Check other video from this channel, will be useful. - Bitcoin 101 Blackboard Series from James D'Angelo, explains for beginners in simple way, lot of good stuff.
- Course from Princeton university. Almost 12hours of lectures. Needs some knowledge's in code, cryptography...
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies Online Course - Khan Academy - Bitcoin Course Not so detailed as Princeton course, much shorter with brief explanation. Good for those who have general sense and basic knowledge's, but not so much time.
- Andreas Antonopoulos bitcoin prophet. Will explain you about blockchain and cryptocurrency from social-economic view. Check his videos and inspire yourself. Great vision, ideas, understanding of blockchain and bitcoin.
Here you can download his new book Mastering Bitcoin - Of course Satosi Nakomoto White Paper
- Community. Here you can discuss, express opinion, ask and read latest news:
Reddit Bitcoin
Reddit btc
Reddit Ethereum
Reddit Steemit
Reddit Cryptocurrency
Reddit BitcoinMerkets for traders
Reddit ethtrader Ethereum traders
Reddit bitcoinmining for miners - Follow the price and market cap of all cryptocurrencies coinmarketcap.com in real time
Follow the blockchain - News and articles
coinfox - Choose where to buy crytpocurrency here howtobuybitcoins
thank you from one that is attempting to understand this new economic forum!
also this : https://steemit.com/steemit/@bumbaram/the-5-phases-of-a-phishing-attack