
The bid bot that is running to make this possible is @masterbot. As mentioned above "Your" money will be used to get delegation for my Bid Bot and that process will give good returns. In the post you can see the calculation and returns we'll be getting from the bot.

The question is

What Asset do you have?

There are more Liability than what you own.
Bid Bots are very competitive these days.
How many VP are you looking at?

It was a scam. I invested money into it and loss 300sbd.

Here are the accounts i found so far. 15 accounts he has. He told me when I was trying to chase my money.

@syedumair / @umais / @masterbot / @masterbank / @anoniam / @syedubair / @funb /@trazen

If someone coukd help me downvote his main account @syedumair.

Provide Proof please.
Give Hard Evidences. We will get rid of them.

Please contact me on telegram -+639451345571 or fb: Jon Calumpit or discord with email: please

What we got to do with this?
A warning have been made Regarding those accounts.
We have smell SCAM since it came out.

I didnt know about it before then. He scammed me and his pobably making more accounta to scam others. I habe proof. I can sens it to you there.