My Venezuela

in #investing7 years ago

Hello friend, today I want to talk a little about our beloved Venezuela dear and beloved, a country of Latin America known, for its beautiful women, its humor, its music, a country with opportunities, with a beautiful landscape of each corner, all This was so until in 1992, a resentful military man together with other mafia hit the current president Carlos Andrés Pérez, who for that moment did not achieve their goal but they managed to inject the cancer that has ruined our country for 20 years and They want to destroy what little remains.
This man was the main cause of the damage we are currently experiencing.

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Where at present they applied socialism and communism at their convenience, where little by little they were destroying the productive apparatus, the oil industries, where the delinquents are ministers, judges and they send pure criminals, where the one that defies an official appears murdered of strange circumstances , or simply died for the common underworld and worse yet my country has become a Narco State, in this country were built universities where currently the children of the government study anywhere in the world but less in Venezuelan universities, manufactured automotive companies, but they do not use the ones produced here, they are, Toyota, Ferrari. Audi, Porche even race cars for the children of high officials, hospitals were built, but they are operated, in London, USA, Brazil, ext ... they use dollars and we Bolivars, each government official has at least 5 bodyguards, but the common user, at the hands of God, it is incredible to see the queues in the banks to find cash, elderly people queuing from a day before to collect a pension, now in Venezuela everything absolutely has a price and a controlled business by the armed forces FANB ...
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I never thought that Venezuela looked so much like Cuba, but we are still here with faith that this will change and hope to get out of this nightmare and that we have experience that the wolf comes disguised as a sheep to deceive thousands of people, my never interested in politics until I live it in my own flesh what happens in our country.
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Marcos Pérez Giménez was a dictator in Venezuela, but Narco Estado was never declared, the current president and his cabinet are marked by amounts of illicit offenses, drugs, traffic violations in all terms in human affairs and stop counting internationally ... , whereas in the time of Pérez Giménez, hundreds of works were built nationwide, the prisoners were put to work in the manufacture of avenues such as, with the construction of Andrés Bello, Nueva Granada, Sucre, Victoria avenues, extension from Avenida Bolivar, San Martin, Urdaneta, Páez, Armed Forces, Mexico, Paseo Los Illustres, the Pan-American Highway and the Tejerías - Valencia highway.
The Caracas - El Ávila - Litoral Central cable car, the Mérida cable car, the University city, the Hospital Clínico Universitario, the Concha Acústica in Bello Monte, the Torres del Silencio, the Caracas - La Guaira highway, the Vacational City were also built. The Caracas on the central coast, the Guárico dam, the agricultural colony of Turén in the Portuguese state, the Military Circle in Caracas ... Several hotels, including the Hotel Humboldt built on the top of the hill Ávila.

In addition, the National Corporation of Hotels and Tourism (Conahotu) was built and planned the construction of the bridge over the lake of Maracaibo, whose work was completed by the governments that succeeded it in terms of housing, built the so-called superblocks, created with the purpose to eradicate ranches built in the hills. With this purpose, the blocks of Simón Rodríguez, Artigas, Propatria, Urdaneta and those of the Urbanization December 2, now known as January 23, were built.

Today in Venezuela, the level of poverty of insecurity is becoming more and more extensive, each time we are poorer, Survey revealed that the Living Conditions (Encovi), affirmed that 90% of Venezuelans said they do not have enough money to eat and that 70% clarified that it is insufficient to acquire balanced and varied food.

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Every day children die for lack of medicine And when we review the 2011 yearbook published until 2016, the increase is not only 30%, that means almost 90%, because in 2011 5 thousand children died and in the 2016 8 thousand and many boys, it means that the figure is creepy, a thing that neither in Rwanda, nor in Syria that have a war there is that figure of mortality and we go to the mothers, the maternal mortality doubled, it is a terrible thing.

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And we ask ourselves, when will this stop? What Venezuelans did to deserve this ordeal of corners us more every day ...

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On one occasion in Villa de Cura at 11:30 am, leaving my mother-in-law's house to look for my daughter at school, they tried to remove my truck at gunpoint, luckily I was alone and could not take it away, thanks to security system that I put the truck myself, was one of the biggest scares I had, because nobody is secret that in Venezuela you kill up to a kilo of rice, and every day I think of my beings who are still here, and for those who are always asking to protect them ..

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This December at 8:00 am, leaving my house, a neighbor asked me to go with him to find some spare parts and on the way he suffered a rubber accident, we arrived at the rubber company and I was victim again of the underworld, this time my phone ... every negative thing that happens to us, it goes through my mind to emigrate from this country ... but we are still here betting that we will come out of this ...
Because Cuba still remains as currently in dictatorship, where Fidel Castro's murderer, murderer, torturo violated international laws and was never tried? Because international institutions such as the International Court could never judge him? What role does every international institution really play, because so many innocent people must die to maintain the power of a country, now in Colombia there is a case of the famous guerrilla "Timochenko", who recruited, raped and killed many innocent, and now is launched as candidate of the presidency! Who judges him? Or what to expect? a God to judge him? These are questions to which we have no answer ...

Many times we ask ourselves why international organizations do not do anything and when they have an answer you spend years in case they have an answer, against a government that is clearly exposed? What should we get out of this? The number of young students killed in the demonstrations and for the moment there is no one to pay for the crimes committed.

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And I think the only way to get out of all these, is not to depend on a small group (MUD) that only bets for a high position in the government or a property in the empire, we should not all join in a single voice to face this tyranny…

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Friend of the Steemit community, help us with a small contribution that the reality that is lived in Venezuela reaches every corner of this planet and that every despicable being is judged for crimes against Humanity ... thank you very much