Another goal for 2025...

in #investing3 months ago

Convert most of my value stocks to DGI Portfolio ("Dividend growth investing").
I'm reaching a point in my life where what I want is to secure constant future income, so I prioritize growing dividend stocks over value stocks... Taking risks at this point in my life with future assets is no longer a game for me.
It's time to "realize" those gains and put them to work in the long term.

As you can see in the image, this is the summary of my main dividend positions. You can see that I have a good proportion in NVIDIAand META shares, which, although they have been paying dividends for some months, are neither growing nor large.
NVIDIA already has a sell limit order at around $160, where I will sell half of my position on this...
I'm not entirely sure about META, I think it has room to grow more based on fundamentals and, in addition, it seems that they are increasing the dividend month by month, although it is still ridiculous... I think I will sell 1/3 of these shares during the first quarter of next year. My unrealized profits today are quite large and I prefer to buy something "safer" for the future...
I also have other shares without dividends, such as TESLA. I will sell half of my position during 2025... I have not yet calculated the target sale price, the TRUMP/MUSK "binomial" is an important variable that I did not count on a few months ago...
I think I will decide after January, once I see what their strategy is about...



I think that it's a decent plan. However, I think that most of the dividend stocks won't grow too much. I guess NVIDIA is different, but I think Meta won't grow too much. I think it failed on the VR stuff.

Dividend growth is a very powerfull investment strategy which I follow myself too. But I am holding, and will continue to do so, also some growth Stocks like Tesla.

PS: What are value stocks for you? Is that really a difference to DG stocks?

What I wanted to say is that I am going to focus on DGI stocks, whether they are value stocks or not. Value stocks often pay dividends too but not always.
TESLA, NVIDIA and META could be considered value or, rather, Growth at the moment since they are super inflated

Ok, get you 👍🏻