in #investing5 years ago

Investing and trading are two of the most commonly mixed-up words in the stock market. While they do have the common goal of achieving profit in the stock market, their major difference lies in how they pursue that goal. If you have been wondering what exactly are the core features that set these two apart, read on to discover the difference between investing and trading!

For stock trading, it focuses on the act of buying and selling stocks to achieve short term gains by focusing on share prices. The difference is, investing is all about buying those stocks in order to get long-term gains.

Traders have the flexibility of opting in and out of stock whenever they want, may it be in months, weeks, and even sometimes as sudden as by the minute. Stock traders place heavy emphasis on the technical factors of a stock rather than the company’s long term prospects. In a way, trading looks more to the direction the stock will move next and how profit can be made from it, rather than looking at the bigger picture and long term future of the company.

In comparison, investors are in it for the long haul by looking more towards the long-term performance of the stock. They are not easily swayed by ups and downs and make decisions in terms of years when choosing the stocks to invest in.

Trading and investing’s biggest difference lies in their timing, as well as their outlook on the stocks.

Investors often zero in on the potential of a company for long-term value or growth. Whereas traders utilise small mispricings in the market. This means that if there are certain movements in the society that can influence stocks, such as political unrest in countries, you can expect traders to take advantage of it.

Apart from the ones we have listed above, there are actually four critical differences that set trading and investing worlds apart! Although the two exist in the same stock market sphere, the following are things that you need to know:

1. The ROI for Trading and Investing is Different

This is pretty much what draws the line between trading and investing. For traders, they pay attention to the price action of those linked to the stocks on the market. The way you can commonly observe this is whenever the selling price increases, traders may be more keen on selling the stocks for a faster yet smaller profit. It’s about knowing when to strike when the iron is hot! If they sell too late, they may find that the stock’s selling price has decreased, which is why timing is extremely important to traders.

You can even say that trading is a skill-based around knowledge and correct timing, and knowing when to make the right moves. Investing, however, is the skill and patience of nurturing stock overtime in order to create a larger profit over time. Investors will tend to pay less attention to the daily price. It is also not just about one stock because investing connotes that an investor has a portfolio of shares and stocks in the market which will develop over the years.

2. Different Period of Holding/Selling Stocks

Different Period of HoldingSelling Stocks

The actual time frame of stocks also makes a huge difference. In terms of forex trading, it is a method of “holding” the trades for a shorter period of time compared to investing in stocks. It can be something as short term as a month, a week, or even just a day! Traders are skilled with knowing when it is time to sell a stock for the most profit.

Investing differs since it functions with a principle of “set and forget” when it comes to stocks. This does not mean that you should just keep investing in stocks and never pay attention to them! It only means that investing steers away from being swayed by small market movements. Fluctuations in the selling price of a stock are ignored by investors for the sake of a long-term ROI.

3. Risks

As with everything that involves money and profit, there are always risks involved. This is where investing and trading share something: risks are attached to both. The difference, however, is the level of risk attached to each. For trading, it involves a notably higher risk but higher rewards as well.

The effects or turnout of a stock can be felt immediately, whether it is positive or negative. In investing, it takes time and takes quite a while to develop into profit or loss. Due to this, it implies a somewhat lower rate of risk but it also implies lower returns in the short run. However, even though it has a low rate of return in the short run, you will be able to profit long-term. This is because you will be factoring in compound interest and dividends which trading does not have.

Trading stocks offers a huge amount of short term potential. However, to make consistent profit from trading it’s crucial you follow a structured and proven method. If you are interested in learning how our professional traders generate consistent profit trading as little as four hours a month, book a free trading consultation.

4. Skill vs. Fundamentals

Traders are, as expected, skilled and experienced in the stock market. Skill is essential because trading involves making decisions in a snap that can greatly influence the possible profit you’ll make from the stock. It involves knowing the right rhythm for the momentum, time frame, and trend in order to make the most out of buying or selling a stock.

In comparison, investors differ because they look into the fundamentals of a stock. It involves heavy research and deep analysis of stocks that they are interested to make a profit out of. The fundamentals of business strategies come into play since they are looking to invest in a company for a long period of time.

Last reminders for trading wisely

If you are considering trading and think you are well-equipped enough to venture into the stock market this way, then here are some things that you need to keep in mind:

  • Set boundaries. You should create a solid, tangible plan that will provide you with safety precautions when dealing with stocks. This can come in the form of setting a certain percentage that if a stock falls to that number, then you will sell it to minimise risks.
  • Figure out how much you can afford to lose. While there is definitely profit to be gained in trading in the stock market, the losses are very real as well. Once you figure out how much you are willing and capable of losing, then you should stick to the plan to never trade more than that.

trading wisely

Last reminders for investing wisely

If you want to build a long-term type of wealth, investing is the answer for you. Investing involves patience and fundamentals, and if you think you’ve got both then we have a few reminders before you invest in your first company:

  • If you want to build a long-term type of wealth, investing is the answer for you. Investing involves patience and fundamentals, and if you think you’ve got both then we have a few reminders before you invest in your first company:
  • Prepare an investment plan. This is why it is important to be keen on research and disciplined enough to follow your investment plan. This type of plan involves your strategy for selling, buying, and even rebalancing your holdings. Since you probably will not need to keep your finger on your investments every second, it is necessary that you have a plan for what to do with your investments every now and then.

There is obvious potential in either trading and investing. It’s important you know which fulfills your skillset and that you have the knowledge to make it a profitable success. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be a trader, then it’s time to improve your knowledge and Platinum Trading Academy has a range of trading courses designed specifically for your knowledge and experience level.

Platinum Trading Academy has the course perfect for your needs.

  1. The Platinum Forex Foundation Course

  2. The Platinum Forex Masters Course

  3. The Platinum Forex Elite Course

Hopefully, you have enjoyed today’s article. Thanks for reading!

Have a fantastic day!

Nisha Patel

Live from the Platinum Trading Floor.