Make 4% Daily with Ambis... Is It a Scam???

in #investing8 years ago

Maybe I'm a little behind the rest of you, but I just found out about Ambis. Ambis is a company that says they use a bitcoin trading bot to make money. Sounds a lot like Bitconnect, huh? Ambis has only been around for a few months now, but they have been making payouts so far.

Honestly, I have a bad feeling that Ambis won't be around that long, but that didn't stop be from depositing the .01 bitcoin minimum to take a chance on it myself. IMG_0516.PNG

They payout every hour, which is really nice (especially when you don't know how long this company will be around). I have decided to reinvest all the interest for now. After 22 days, I should be able to withdraw my investment of .01 bitcoin, and still have .01 bitcoin left to continue to earn interest (there's a 7% withdrawal fee from active investments). The 7% fee seems high, until you realize you're making about 3.6% interest every day on your money. The 7% fee is covered in only 2 days of interest.

This all seems to be too good to be true to me. My gut says they'll go bankrupt soon enough, but I thought I'd take a gamble in the mean time.

I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I don't recommend investing in Ambis yet, but if you're stubborn like me and want to do it anyway, here is my referral link:

Please don't risk more than you're willing to lose. Happy gambling!


Of course it's a scam. Why would be they need your bitcoin if they can do that for themselves?

Well, I do agree that its a scam... However, your example isn't solid proof of such.

I have friends, that have trading bots who are earning 1-5% daily. Unfortunately for them, they don't have millions to work with, so their gains are limited.

I use Ambis, I put in 0.15 BTC only.


Awesome! How long have you been using it? Have you done payouts yourself?

Just for a few days now.



Nice! Let me know how it goes. You're a few days ahead of me.

That's what I figure, but if they payout for the next 22 days, I'll break even I figure.