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RE: Tips for Inventors to Come Up With Ideas

in #invention5 years ago (edited)

However, coming up with that award winning idea can feel like a challenge, especially surrounded in a world full of innovative creators. Taking it to the next level and creating a product is even more difficult. It’s easy to feel frustrated with yourself when there are people out there whose minds seem to work faster than a mile a minute.

Being able to think outside of the box is important as an inventor, but sometimes taking a step back and going back to the beginning can help us see things that we never saw before. Writers deal with writer’s block, creatives often struggle with creative block, artists struggle with artist’s block. So what goes to say that inventors can’t suffer from creative block as well?

The reasons behind going through a slump in the creative mental process can vary from person to person but generally a lapse in creative judgement can occur from the following things:

  • Timing
  • Self doubt and fear
  • Depletion of creative energy after immersing yourself too deeply
  • Fighting perfectionism
  • Anxiety in anticipation of the outcome
  • Past cases of rejection

A creative block might often be a temporary condition, but when one relies on creative thinking and its execution in order to make a living, even a temporary creative block can cause anxiety, doubt, and fear. Some creators might come to doubt their future ability to create and become discouraged into thinking that this isn’t the right path for them. Here are a few tips for creative thinking:

  • Listening to music, podcasts, or TedTalks
  • Sketching or drawing
  • Going for a walk outdoors or doing some type of physical activity
  • Talk it out with others who have creative inclinations
  • Read a book or a magazine; there's always inspiration in fiction

For more innovative based thinking, a few simple mental questions or exercises can help stimulate brain processes:

  • Think of a personal issue or problem you have; chances are, there's a good amount of others who feel the same way.
  • Look at ordinary, everyday objects or concepts and think of how you could use them in a different way.
  • Follow market trends and create something other companies could use. You can even work with an invention company to get connected with such industries.
  • Break down problems or issues step by step; this can help chunk things differently and hone in on different areas that causes complications
  • Brainstorm for a few minutes and write down anything and everything that comes to mind. Even random words could spark something inside
  • Have a positive approach to inventing; creative thinking takes time and thorough consideration
  • Don't discredit even the “dumbest” ideas you think you might have. Things can be added or built upon to make it better or more functional to a specific issue
  • Build something and work with your hands to create. Focus the mind on creating… in an entirely different aspect
