I always joke that I wish I had 5 more lives to live because I have so many things I love to do! Since I've just got this one, I'm making the most of it! Savoring the little things and planning for the big adventures.
I'm so glad that I've finally gotten brave in this area too. I was worried about other people's potential negative comments, and I let that fear stop me. I'm finally at a place where I'm OK, even if people don't like what I'm about. I'm loving what I'm doing and excited to be able to share that.
I love what you wrote "your place in their stories will never fade". That is beautiful. And worth overcoming my fears for. Thank you for sharing it with me!
And you made me laugh about the "fresh, quality food"! I've had people look at me funny when I was all excited about my fresh greens or chicken eggs (I've even had someone tell me they'd rather not eat a fresh home raised egg), so I figured it was worth saying that I like fresh, real, good stuff! Glad that I'm in good company!!!