Introduction to Hive



Nice to meet you!
I never trusted Facebook but all my friends were on it. We tried Gab but all our data got haxked, I don't trust GTTR at all and 4chan is psycho, so I thought I'd try Hive.

It wasn't easy, 3speak is out of free accounts, Hiveonboarding is out of accounts and ecency said my IP was too low.
It ended up costing me $30 to get this account, but it's worth it if I can talk openly and honestly about what's going on in the world and in the US.

I'm going to be bringing the truth. The real truth to this place so I hope you're ready for a non-holds barred conversation, and if you need to mute me that's no skin off my butt.

I live in Texas but that's all your getting outta me. Facebook and Gab caused me a lot of trouble and I've learned me lesson now.

I hope to talk to yall about what's happening out in the world. Pleased to meet ya!


Well the community snitched that ratted me out is apparently running around talking about you.

However it did attract my attention.

Careful there's not always good people on the blockchain...

Currently there is a huge war going on over free speech and we will see how it works itself out.

Excellent content I'm going to follow you!

And I'd highly advise getting discord and you can always tag me by using my username.

I definitely would like to help you get started! Here is a link to my private room.

Good luck on the blockchain. You gotta get some growing going before you have unlimited voice here.

I'll totally hook you up. Being new isn't a crime and the community snitch apparently wanted to bring you negative attention.

Well let's hit you with positive attention and some knowledge.

Bet you end up rocking and having success here...

Thanks man! Appreciate it brother!!

Dont worry about no snitches... I dont reckon theyve sacrificed as much for their country as me and my buddies have. So much of us have lost so much for the truth... and if snitches have a problem with that thats on them.

I read about downvotes and aint scared of them its not like Ive really got anything at stake since im new anyway... they aint getting rid of me that easy.

Kinda why I had to reach out. Welcome to the land of free speak. So, they can take your money away bit they can't stop you from further posting. The more they vote you down... The more they waste....just remember that.

And the snitch? Yeah he is trying to be some content secret police officer.

He is getting his. Karma is hard for sure.

However.. for the rest of us? Opportunities is abound.

And then now you have so many tools.

You can use your stake to invest in community projects and get more.

If you want I can plug you in help you automate your account and get moving more. ..

Hit me up on discord. You got my link.

People like you coming here are going to shift the war for free speech into our favor.

Thanks buddy! I appreciate the offer A LOT!

Im actually gonna steer clear of private servers for a bit. After Gab got all our messages and comments sent to the FBI lots of people started up whatsapp and private servers BUT some were run by infiltrators and guys got busted even more... theres too many infiltrators around 4chan is full of them so ill just write me posts and me comments and chat to the good people of the world like you out in the open I got nothing to hide. If snitches wanna downvote me in public go for it.

Well that's just the thing all communications are open and in public so don't worry about trying to hide anything because there isn't really thing to hide.

Discord is an amazing tool that allows all of us to interact and as well grow socially.

I totally love to help people out and get them growing even faster by automating their account and empowering them.

Imagine that the rewards that you get you can start trading on different cryptocurrencies and support different communities that you actually believe in.

Anyway it's up to you I really hope that you play this game with every tool that you can and I'm totally willing to help you out.

We have a huge amount of opportunity and we just need to take advantage of it. The more human beings like You who come here and work hard at growing an investment are our future.

And personally I think that your voice is needed on the front lines of the civil War that we have currently going over free speech. As well as those from other beliefs who wish to financially wreck individuals.

Personally I'm here more for the community however the rewards have kept me around!

Thank you very much and I can't wait for your further content and work!

Thanks buddy!

I'll let you know when Im ready to go to Discord.

Tell me more about this war. Why are people financially wreaking individuals? Especially when perceptions on events can be so different for different people.

Currently right now it's War free speech and silencing people's dissent with removal of financial rewards.

Basically a bunch of people are getting paid a lot of money to download important information related to the scam pandemic.

In fact quite a bit of really good content creators are being harassed and threatened we have certain rules here that are used against new people so that's why I wanted to reach out.

Especially cuz the community snitch apparently doesn't like something you have to say however he is just sucking up trying to get attention.

Best thing I can do is advise you to automate your account with and get Hive keychain to store your passwords in. Tribaldex and leodex are linked and every time I vote you I'm paying you in Hive as well as other cryptocurrencies.

Basically then you take some of that and start trading and building your own influence so that you can help support other individuals speaking freely.

He walked in at an interesting time...

I'm an older person here on the blockchain.

Today I saw a very ungrateful new user. Username: info-justice

If you have some time please write a comment below his latest post about his long list of complains about hive ecosystem.

I did the basic comment but if you do this favour when you get sometime, I will highly appreciate this favour.

This is what was said for me to wander here and check into your content.
I found this person to be misleading when you are brand new.

I'd love to support you in growing and being able to have a investment here like I do for mainly interacting with people and having fun.

Basically this person is going around lying about others to better himself.

Like like crabs in a pot. He is trying to pull others down and make himself look better.

Hello @info-justice! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome to Hive!

Great to see passionate people join Hive. I think you will like the communities InformationWar and Deep Dives.

Anyways, the best way to start your journey here in Hive is do an awesome introduction post telling us more about your passion and interests. You can choose on whatever information you would like to share and be creative as you want to be and how you got to know about Hive. This will help other Hivers get to know you and be comfortable supporting your works here.

Make sure to share your blogs in the appropriate Communities you like and share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience. Or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions. Feel free to tag @lovesniper @indayclara once you have made your awesome introduction post! See you around.

Thank you a lot Indyclara!! I really appreciate your helping me and all these links. Ill go through them all. I got a bit stuck on my first day with my Hive resources but some real nice people have helped me with that.

Im not sure if Ill do an introduction post cos I dont want to say who I am or give any photos but thank you for the resources. Ive seen some people post entire sections of other peoples articles and then put a link at the bottom. Is that allowed? It looks like their profiting off the work of others?