Hello brave new world!

in #introduction6 years ago

Introductory posts are always hard because you're most likely going to approach it all wrong. If you're all "Hey, you guys can relax now because I'm finally here!"...it's going to be met with "Um, okay. Now for the bigger question; who are you and why should we care?"

Why should you care that I signed up? I...well...um...I'm...okay, you got me with that one because I'm not coming up with anything brilliant or innovative. I'm just me and I happen to have entered my information into the system to be allowed to be here. Howdy.

I like creating digital art (I'm a beginner even by beginner standards), photography, playing guitar, fishing, and a lot of other things. I tend to be very focused on one passion for a time and then I drift away, then drift back, then drift away, then drift back. Sometimes I get seasick and jettison snacks thanks to all the drifting to and fro, but that's the way life works sometimes: sometimes you're king of the world and sometimes you just barf a lot.

I just like to share ideas, make people laugh if I can, and ponder the bigger questions of the universe. Questions like "Do dryers steal various articles of clothing, but we only notice socks because they are sold and worn in pairs?" and "Why doesn't someone invent pants that have a built-in belt?" and "How do you throw away a garbage can when everybody is just going to think it's sitting by the street to have the garbage inside taken away?"

What do I intend to use this site for? To meet people. To share my artistic creations. To have fun and share laughter in a world where it is much needed.