My mom's name is Tessie and my dad's name is Joel. It's a common Filipino tradition to name their kids after a combination of their own. And that's how I got my nickname: TJ, T-for Tess and J for Joel.
My white friends call me by my real name, Therese Joan. My white friends also have a hard time pronouncing it so, they too call me TJ. But here on this blog, you may all just call me Olivia. (I just really like that name)
Anyhow, I am in my late 20's who has all my shit together: I have a job that pays a 6 digit salary, I travel the world, I read a ton of books on my kindle, I am a famous Yogi, and I'm dating the celebrity Anderson Cooper. On this blog, you will learn about how fabulous and inspiring my life is. I hope you learn from my wise quotes and anecdotes. I am grateful to write and share just as I am grateful to read and listen!
To us and our writings!
lol your last paragraph.
Aloha and welcome to Steemit!!