As many of you know I’ve been staying at the Arcticcoworkinglodge. Check my latest photo post to see what it looks like in November, hint - not like the photo above. It’s pretty quiet around here at this time of year. The days are getting shorter and it’s getting pretty cold. Its a far stretch from those typical laptop warrior nomad Bali vibes. It's not all drinking coconuts whilst digging your toes into warm sand…
Why go here if you can go anywhere? It’s a good question, maybe one i’ll answer at some point…
I met @onetechtraveller who is also staying at the lode for ~6 weeks. One of the best parts of traveling is the opportunity to meet so many different people . Russel has a Wordpress site where he writes about tech & travel, sharing product reviews and stories. I felt Russell might be a perfect candidate to try out @steempress-io.
Check out @onetechtraveller intro post -
We’re pretty far apart in our approaches. Russel cranks out daily posts during the week. I’m currently battling how much I want to share online vs keeping for myself. I’m an early bird up before 6am while Russell is on late night laptop club until 3am I felt the STEEM network might be a good way for Russell to reach some new people while earning some extra rewards. Russell mentioned how his IG just doesn’t provide much engagement, it’s controlled via an algorithm and generally feels one sided. Perhaps this smaller club might work out better?
Have you introduced anyone to STEEM recently? How did it work out? How did the conversation go? How do you explain everything?
Yes i have introduced my friends about steemit. It was a long conversation and discussion.
wowza! Going in hard on the title there pal 😂
thanks for the welcome Sam!
It's crazy but awesome how we've been able to cross paths in The Lofoten Islands, and introduce me to this new world. Think the topics you mentioned are get discussions to be had.. over a virtual coffee brew maybe? :)