A little bit about myself before getting started!

So I was born and brought up in Egypt and then moved to the US.
I consider myself super lucky because I get the best of both worlds combined into one...my own :)
I’d summarize myself as being sustainable, healthy, adventurous, a food lover and a DIY freak.

Being sustainable is something I work hard to achieve and to raise awareness about because we really need to help make this world a better place for us and those after us. That includes being healthy, caring for the environment and more.

Adventures are my thing. Whether it was in Egypt, trying to explore all the alleys and hidden culture or in the US and traveling with my husband, adventures and go out is a must. This is how we educate ourselves and learn to love everyone and everything regardless of our differences. Egypt having the Red Sea was a huge part of my childhood. Even though I used to be a scaredy cat, there was always a sense of freedom and adventure in the sea that always hipnotized me and made me jump in.

Food <3 Don’t think I can say anything that any food lover hasn’t already said. Healthy food (and cheat days) are the greatest. Just like art, you can get so creative and expressive with it.

Art is a major part of my life. Photography, painting, editing, designing, wood burning, leather working, you name it! If it can be done with your hands, I’m always up for it. My grandfather always taught me that there’s no such thing called “I can’t do it”. And so if I couldn’t find something, I’d look around the house and find ways to make it myself. I owe my grandpa a LOT for teaching me that.

I think the above picture pretty much summarizes my love of photography, adventure, nature, art, and just doing it myself. But i’m glad I have an amazing person to share it all with and who loves it all as much as I do :) (below)


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