Hello steemian friend, well I thought it was time for me to introduce myself but before that, a little short story why I can join and post in steemit, which maybe even I'm not sure if this happened.
About a year ago, the invitation of my close friends to join in steemit, and my friend to prove that here our work is really in appreciation, truly appreciated, even from all the work we can pour here, without long I thought joining in steemit, and this post to introduce myself
Halo teman steemian, baik saya pikir sudah waktunya bagi saya untuk memperkenalkan diri tetapi sebelum itu, sedikit cerita pendek mengapa saya bisa bergabung dan memposting di steemit, yang mungkin bahkan saya tidak yakin apakah ini terjadi.
Sekitar setahun yang lalu, undangan teman-teman dekat saya untuk bergabung di steemit, dan teman saya untuk membuktikan bahwa di sini pekerjaan kami benar-benar dalam penghargaan, benar-benar dihargai, bahkan dari semua pekerjaan yang dapat kami tuangkan di sini, tanpa lama saya pikir bergabung di steemit , dan posting ini untuk memperkenalkan diri
Who am I ??
Well, for a start
Starting from 2012 I already have the motivation to slightly lighten the burden of parents by working and earn their own income, while I continue education, although the results are not as expected,
And finally I chose to be a photographer, and I love this job, life adventure is fun,
My name is muksalbragoo "@muksalbragoo" I am 26 years old, I am 3rd child of five siblings, I have a lot of job history, ranging from work in restaurant as waiters, operator site maintenance, information staff, etc.
Siapa saya ??
Yah, sebagai permulaan
Mulai dari tahun 2012 saya sudah memiliki motivasi untuk sedikit meringankan beban orang tua dengan bekerja dan mendapatkan penghasilan sendiri, sementara saya melanjutkan pendidikan, meski hasilnya tidak seperti yang diharapkan,
Dan akhirnya saya memilih untuk menjadi fotografer, dan saya suka pekerjaan ini, petualangan hidup itu menyenangkan,
Nama saya muksalbragoo "@muksalbragoo" Saya berusia 26 tahun, saya anak ke-3 dari lima bersaudara, saya memiliki banyak riwayat pekerjaan, mulai dari bekerja di restoran sebagai pelayan, pemeliharaan situs operator, staf informasi, dll.
welcome to steemit
Yes, thank you @ewasteguy1
Hi, muksalbragoo! Best wishes for a very fun journey here on Steemit! Enjoy
By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.
@greetersguild invite link https://discord.gg/AkzNSKx @newbieresteemday invite link https://discord.gg/2ZcAxsU
SELAMAT DATANG! I am so happy that you are here, muksalbragoo! I wish you a very prosper journey here on this platform :) Life is Good
By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.
@greetersguild invite link https://discord.gg/AkzNSKx @newbieresteemday invite link https://discord.gg/2ZcAxsU
welcome @muksalbragoo
Yes, thank you @sabari18
Iya kawan... Sy termasuk yang sering melihat hasil postingan kamu.... Good post
Iya, terima kasih banyak sahabat, sukses selalu @halim08
Welcome @muksalbragoo
I take this opportunity to invite you to join STEEMSCHOOLS is a business school in steemit, where you can learn:
We have live classes on DISCORD every day.
JOIN UP https://discord.gg/Sf6YH6j
Welcome to steemit! Can’t wait to see what you have in store! Are you from Indonesia? I have always wanted to visit! The nature there seems spectacular:) can’t wait to see your pictures in the future
So far, I LOVE your pictures!
Welcome, informative article, good start, keep it up! I follow you, I hope you will follow me. We will develop the community together! ;)
Welcome to steemit @muksalbragoo
Welcome, @muksalbragoo. You have my upvote and follow!
Welcome @muksalbragoo