I am a typical teenager. likes to rebellion over dissatisfaction, I want to live freely without the rules of the crazy government that has taken the life of my parents. I have chosen Libertarian because I can choose.
Liberals come from the word "liberty", which means freedom. Freedom in the sense of personal freedom, the right to protection, and freedom in determining attitudes. Liberalism is a school of thought that expects progress in various fields on the basis of individual freedom that can develop its talents and abilities as freely as possible. Some liberal figures, namely:
(a) John Locke. In his opinion, the state is formed from the social agreement between the individual and the free living with the ruler.
(b) Montesquieu. In his book the spirit of the law, there is a separation of powers in government that is executive, legislative, and judiciary. The goal is that there is inter-agency supervision to avoid abuse of authority.
From the hobby of reading and watching youtube. i know libertian from a woman, she is Lauren Southern
Lauren Cherie Southern (born 16 June[4] 1995) is a Canadian far-right
political activist, Internet personality, and journalist associated with the alt-right. Southern ran as a Libertarian Party candidate in the Canadian federal election. She worked for The Rebel Media until March 2017. In addition, she has written for Spiked,the International Business Times, and The Libertarian Republic. Southern continues to work independently and publishes videos on YouTube.
Website #laurensouthern.net
I continued to deepen my knowledge of libertarians and found a book written by Ron Paul entitled
Ron Paul explain in the book
The principle of non-aggression has direct consequences. Just as we do not start power, so we may not harm innocent people without their consent. So, the basis for freedom is the principle of no harm. No harm, nor a negative obligation, implied in non-aggression. On the one hand, danger does not, by itself, constitute the initiation of forces, but the danger may turn into harmful, by definition. Defense rights do not require people to wait until they get hit before they can defend themselves. If we burn our fields, our neighbor's fields will not burn unless the fire reaches it. But we have mobilized a process that will start a force against them, unless someone or something (rain, say) intervenes to stop it. No one has the right to harm innocent people without their consent, and our neighbors have no obligation to let us harm them without their consent.
And in the end I found a contemporary libertian who would liberate the American state of the federal state, he was a former member of the Marines at the time of the Iraq war United States Marine Corps
As long as I am active in steemit, I learned a lot about freedom from @adamkokesh. He has opened a lot of my eyes to see freedom.
Adam has formed an exploratory committee to run for Congress in his New Mexico state. He is running for president of America in 2020. He has a real chance to win and I am sure people will agree with my thoughts.@adamkokesh burdened with this suggestion, "Given that it is our destiny to reach a voluntary society, there are only two ways statism can end: violent collapse or a peaceful transition. The current system of government is clearly unsustainable. If we do not begin to notice and deal with our problems, we lead to the sudden failure of systems that depend on many of us. "We must return to the natural rights that protect our freedom, and our first step is to abolish the tyranny in our midst. It will not be easy because it means we must stand before the possibility of an enemy who just wants to destroy every individual. "In order for a paradigm shift to occur, it must be embraced by a critical mass of people. We are rapidly approaching a critical point where statism will be untenable, not only because institutions are unsustainable, but because we rise and demand our rights. "- Adam Kokesh
. Ron paul , Abortion and liberty (F.R.E.E.essay)
. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Southern
. http://thefreedomline.com/freedom