Who Am I, Alexander Mcauley


I'm Alexander McAualey. I have written on many topics on my Facebook timeline and other social media in the past. Some of my favorite subjects to publish content on are alternative energy, politics, personal incite on historical events, and figures, and D.I.Y.
technology, and art.

I was born in1983. That was a decade after N.A.S.A. golden age of leaps and bound advancement and risk taking. Always admire the astronauts from the apollo program. Those were the days when chance was the bread and butter of N.A.S.A.s engineers. After Challenger exploded chance has given way to the red tape that most other government and military programs have the wade through. I got tired of the claim that every thing I dreamed of was 20 years in the future so I started McAulturnative to explore several technologies the professions apparently kept dancing around and avoiding, that would bring 20 years to the beginning of the 21st-century technology down to about 1 year. These technologies were mainly in the category of renewable energy system thus the Alurnative in McAlurnatives.