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RE: Hello I'm Marion Bowes aka Seabrightrunner.....Registered Holistic Nutritionist/Registered Nutritional Consultant Practioner.....Half Marathon Runner, Hiker, Cyclist, Wayseer/Seeker of Truth, Nature Lover and Protector of the Environment.

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

So awesome to meet you here on this platform. I love meeting fellow runners. I am very dedicated, however not an elite runner. Which means you will not see me in the Olympics. I love, love, love, that long lonely run. That is where the real running takes place. Where you do not even know you are running. I am really only competitive within myself. Which is the real awesome part of running. I enjoy the comradeship of fellow runners and being Nova Scotia with lots of small town there are not that many people and you meet the same over and over. I get a huge charge of the really large city races with all the hoopla mostly for the fun they provide and the challenge. Which is what the races give me. My own challenge. Each one is different and unique. The bling I find fun and an added bonus to my hard work. I have added more pictures and story to my intro blog should you care to read it. It will add more light to what I just said. Happy running ...we will share more soon.


I can definitely see how doing a big community run would be refreshing after living in a quiet part of the world.

I get a little competitive with myself as well. In the past it's led to a few minor injuries. Right now I'm just trying to up my distance a little at a time so that I can do a half-marathon without worry.

going slow is the key to keep injury free. I have had my share of those and I also have a great Massage Therapist. Often times I will do small communities runs locally to support a charity or a cause. Usually 5K or 10K. The provide good community spirit, food, comradeship from like minded runners and help the organization.

I wouldn't mind the occasional massage! I once had a friend who did them professionally and gave me great rates. Alas, she moved away.

I think I'll try to do some community runs this year. My average distance is 8 miles now so a 10K sounds pretty good.

I just gave you a shout-out in this walkwithme post - we all hope to hear more about your running adventures!

awesome and keep running, as the season goes on the runs start coming. It can be tricky here in the winter on the water with the ice we get. I am scheduled to be the Hyporthermic on Sunday, weather permitting of course. thank you for the shout-out