The fascinating feeling of becoming a grandfather.

in #introduction7 years ago

To be truthfully honest, I never imagined myself becoming a grandfather. I wasnt popular with the ladies in high school, although i yearned to be. Military service in the 80's was a confidence builder yet fell short of expectations.
I never thought of myself as a handsome man. I was afraid of rejection. I didn't possess enough savvy to approach attractive women.
Finally, by travelling to new vistas, i met someone i considered to be "the one".
We confessed our love at first sight, properly dated one another, not rushing things. Marriage well as pregnancy.
All was normal until the 6th month.

My wife's water broke at 6am on a Sunday morning. "Honey, my water broke!! We need to go to the ER!!"
My reply was priceless...
From dreamstate I replied, " Call 'em and make sure theyre open..."

Thtee and a half hours later and a successful Caesarian section, we had a 1lb 6oz baby girl, fighting for her life in the Neonatal Intensive care Unit of Providence Hospital. The year was 1988.

Yesterday afternoon, at 2:22pm, that same tiny little baby, who's ears were still fused to her skull, eyelids as transparent as glass and fingers that wouldn't fit curled around my own delivered an 8lb beautifully precious daughter of her own....Lily Rae.

The life I've lived has given rewards of many different types. Vast travels, many friends and earned kudos for my creative talents. BUT NOTHING COMPARES TO THE REWARD OF SEEING THAT TINY LITTLE BABY GROW INTO A BEAUTIFUL, CARING, COMPASSIONATE, STRONG WOMAN WHO HAS GIVEN ME THE IMMEASURABLE JOY OF BECOMING AN EXTREMELY PROUD GRANDFATHER.20170906_185105.jpg


Congratulations @jackripper56 it must be a great feeling :)

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