Greetings! Immy here!

in #introduction8 years ago


Let's get this introduction going!
This'll be my first time doing a blog type thing, so we'll see how interresting this'll be ;) Get ready for some terrible spelling and grammar!

I'm a 26 year old guy from the Netherlands and you may call me Immy if you wish ^^

I met her in the MMORPG World of Warcraft and after a few years of secretly liking eachother she came down here to visit. Things escelated quickly from there on. We became a couple. A few months later i packed up and moved to sweden where we lived together for about 7 months or so, until real life hit us and i moved back to try and get my life in order. But we pulled through the intervening years and ended up renting the house we live in right now!^^ Ooh, and we have a cute kitty called Metalica. She's Very fluffy, very cute and Very anoying when she gets horny. But i love her :) I've got an amazing and beatifull Girlfriend(@frokenteddy) from Sweden with whom, after years of living apart, i live together with since september. (Long distance works guys and gals!) She's the light of my life <3

On a sadder note, I'm currently unemployed, batteling depression and social anxiety. My current aim in life is learning how to deal with my issues so that i can earn enough money to provide for my Gf and future family. I might be talking about that journey from time to time, but it's not what i want to use Steemit for.

Instead i'll be Posting about things i'm passionate about: My girlfriend, series, anime and Gaming. Feel free to call me a Neet, i've got a Girlfriend, i don't care ;)

I've been a gamer since i was pretty young, it started with the super nintendo my neighbour had. We played Super Mario world and the Bikermice from mars racing game!
But it really got going when i got a nintendo 64. I've played so much Super Mario 64 that i still know the layout of the castle. What got me hooked on it for real tho was The legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time. It was a beautifull big world to discover, a princess to resque and monsters to slay. Not to mention the fishing!
And then when World of Warcraft had a commercial on tv, i just had to have it. I'm pretty sure my darling mother actually upgraded her old PC so that i could play it. Or i was just so gratefull i don't remember her getting it for herself and me just profiting from it. Anyhow, happy days! I've been hooked on it and other MMO's ever since(10 years or so?)

I could keep talking about games, but i'll leave that for future posts. I tend to go offtopic, this is just an introduction afterall.

I hope you'll enjoy my babling in the future. Expect game reviews/guides/random thoughts(Black desert is up first!). My thoughts on Anime series. And some random posts here and there ;)

Enjoy your day!


Welcome to Steemit from a newbie! I wish you the best with everything😊

Welcome Immy! Nice introduction :)

Welcome to our merry world Immy; you'll like it here!

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you find prosperity... I hope I find prosperity, lol.

Welcome to steemit! I'm new here, too! Let's explore this interesting world and add more spice to it by posting great things!