Hello everybody,
I was asked to wright a little story to introducé myself.
I recently invested a lot of money in the steemit platform because i am a real believer in the future potential and succes of it. I can really see this thing taking of.
I think there are a lot of great people involved in this project and that makes this a awesome and vibrant community. And i think the people and thus the community are the fundament for the future succes of it.
The platform is still in beta and it is expected that there are many hickups and lessons to be learnt on the way to mass adoption.
But thats the beautiful thing, that its still in beta. So i see it as a piece of art thats not finished yet. We as a commity can keep on tweeking the platform till we get the exact outcome that WE want...
I think the world really needs a platform where we can exchange information without censorship, and with a mechanisme where good content gets rewarded..
I really wanna wish everbody the best with your steemit endeavors...Lets make this a great succes with each other..
best regards
Thanks for believing in Steemit! :) Even though I have only been on Steemit for less than a month, I too see the potential and what it has to offer. Steem on!
8 Months later steemit is still in beta ... but it works well :D
Spongebob Narrator Voice
Three Years Later
Welcome to steemit!!Here is a little something to get you started! I wish you all the best..
Steemazing! Nice :-)

LOL love this GIF :)
:-) yeaaa. So you´re upvoted :-)
Omgsh! You really didn't have to do that. Thank you so much. :) You are really too kind. You just made my day.
I love doing that. You are steemified!

How gangster
Thug life. :D
Hi Hi! It's 28 days later, and I just wanted to say thanks for your support. I'm still on Steemit creating content. You're boost to my older post really inspired me to keep working hard and to provide meaningful content to others. Thought I would let you know, I gave you a little shout out to my latest post. ❤️❤️❤️
I wish you all the best luck from sweden!
Hello, welcome, could you upvote and follow me? Thank you
Yeah just joined 11 days ago.. The platform is great and did put some effort in it. Each day will be better and better. Plese see my blog about my family trip in year 2019 to the US. I hope I can fid here people who help me make my family dream trip come true.
nice post,,, nice to meet you
please follow back... and often come in my blog@hendrikdegrote
Dear @hendrikdegrote ;
We have to show that Steemit is bigger than any bully who is trying to impose his own rules by using his high SP on innocent people.
The post below is the summary of the situation :
I need any help to stop @grumpycat hurting innocent people. https://steemit.com/life/@firedream/stop-the-grumpycat Thank you for any help to stop the actions of @grumpycat.
Best Regards.

I need your help to give some rewards to myanmar steemians.
indeed let's Steem on!
Hello and thank you for that introduction! I am brand new to Steemit and looking at your account gives me something to shoot for. I am definitely following you.
Hello @hendrikdegrote . I am very happy to know steemit platform. I joined it for about 4 months. And recently I have returned to steemit and worked more on steemit. I have replaced facebook with steemit, in steemit I know a lot of international friends. And even better I can earn money from my content. I also like you put faith in steemit.
nice to meet you.

I'm right there with you Hendrik, Steemit is going places, and it's changing peoples lives. We have huge plans for Steemit here in the Philippines with TeamPhilippines and believe that it can bring great change to the country and alleviate poverty and increase education in one fail swoop!
We just had our first event for teamphilippines on Saturday (posted pics if you want to see) and I can already tell this is going to be an amazing roller coaster ride and I'm all strapped in!
Amazing very brave to put up such high stake. Anyway you are an inspiration to me and following you though not much
Belated welcome and thanks for your recent upvote
Hey Hendrik, we'd love to see some more of your content mate :) It's not for everybody of course, but give it a go. Ya never know ;)
your investment into steem will change the worrld. You are like a steem legend or god. Will you be my mentor? lol
Really love your up vote taste! Cheers from Vienna!
At the moment your amazing investment seems starting to pay off
Steem is on the rise!! ;)
Uuhhh :-) My upvote is asured! :-)

Cheers! Photono
Welcome and great to see your Rep climbing! :-)
Welcome @hendrikdegrote, we all wholeheartedly thank you and applaud you on your tremendous support for Steemit! :)
Thanks @fabio for encouraging him to post :)
totally @hendrikdegrote welcome to steemit! If you ever feel lonely, come to http://steemspeak.com 24/7
Please vote for @fyrst-witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses to help @fyrstikken promote #steemit to more investors like yourself and others. Thank you :)
just out of curiousity!!could you tell me how much you invested 9 months ago
welcome to the madness! you got in at a good time :)
You're absolutely gorgeous!
I followed you.
Apart from that I just wanted to say that huge thank you to you, I really don't know what else to say, I am speechless, just speechless.
Thank you so much!@hendrikdegrote I may dig up this post for 8 months ago but it was your only post and I HAD to say a big big thank you. It was the first time that I read your introduction post and considering what I just read I have to say that you indeed predicted the future!
Hey man. I just wanted to say, that there are much better things that you could be doing with your stake. I'm POSITIVE of that. But oh well. I like to say shhhh,it happens. Right? Are you ever here at all? Are you fully satisfied with the results of your delegations? I wonder! Alx
Hello Hendrik,
to get a higher REP, high Rep holders have to vote you. I have now upvoted you too and your rep went from 44 to 46. It is just a matter of time.
Great to see your investment in Steemit !
I believe in the concept of this token based economy too, so I invested around 30BTC, unfortunately I did it when the price of Steem was at 4$...
I recommend you to join the Steemit Chat so we can connect with you and exchange ideas with you.!
48 now ;)
Thanks fabio, Btw what can i do to increase my reputation?
@shenanigator has compiled a great Steemit FAQ with the support of the community :) It has a good overview on all the factors that go into raising one's reputation.
Excerpt from part 1:
How do I improve my reputation score? What hurts my score?
To put it simply, add value to the Steemit community to improve your score. But harm the community and your score will suffer.
Create and post quality original content. It’s all about quality, not quantity.
Engage in thoughtful discussions in the comments of blog posts.
Up-vote thoughtfully. Don’t upvote junk, only vote up quality content.
Build your following by posting quality content.
Avoid bad behavior; it can get you flagged.
Don’t harass other users or become disrespectful due to an online disagreement. This can lead to trolling habits which could get flagged.
Steemit FAQ
Part 1: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shenanigator/thanks-to-your-help-the-official-steemit-faq-is-now-complete Part 2: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shenanigator/thanks-to-your-help-the-official-steemit-faq-is-now-complete-part-2
You are welcome! I think your question has been answered already, but I have another tip: for me to see that you have replied to me, you need to reply directly to the post you want to reply to for it to appear in https://steemit.com/@fabio/recent-replies
Hi @hendrikdegrote I've just seen that you are my top Upvoter earning me the most rewards. I just want to say thank you, I really appreciate it :)
Thanks for your support of buying steem when it is cheap and powering up which motivated me to write my recent post- I mentioned you there-feel free to check it out. More success to you.
@hendrikdegrote! You're Steeming brilliant! Hendrik the big? Thanks for being a believer!
How do you feel about Steemit now?Hello Friend @hendrikdegrote!
It is very very good that are some motivated people like you, who believe in to "mechanisme where good content gets rewarded..."
I'm here as a photographer and I was also very optimistic in a very beginning. But in time I noticed that good photography is not rewarded as much as robotic tricks.
Any way, I also believe that with members like you, good things will be seen.
I can introduce myself only by my works:
Just wanted to say thanks for the interest in Steem and the big investments lately. :)
Thanks for your kind words but you dont have to thank me, the pleasure is all mine!! I think steemit is gonna do great. So i am glad that i can be part of it..
Hi Hendrik, your name seems very "dutch"... Would you be up to join SteemFest next week? I tried to contact you through Steemit.chat, not sure if your username overthere is also you?
Would be great to meet up! http://steemfest.com
kr roeland
Glad to have you on board! :)
Hello Hendrik, welcome! I was gonna say that people here use the tag 'introduceyourself' more often rather than 'introduction' and surprisingly I just found out that 'introducemyself' seems more popular now... I guess 4 months is probably too old here. :)
It is really a good timing for investing recently IF you believe in it. I am not sure I still do - maybe still but doubts are growing... Your confidence hopefully will boost mine! Welcome again!
Welcome aboard the crazy train.
Look forward to more from you. Follow me if you want to make lots of money. ^^
What is about steemit that intrigues you the most?
and that is a significant investment. Happy to see a true believer.
I am happy to work with you. i want to develop steemit in indonesia
Like Warren Buffett you´ve seen the potential of this platform before mass adoption, which will be soon I guess. Spread the word and quit Facebook, Instagram etc., more than ever after the "crypto ban" on their page.
People like you are the reason this platform is becoming better and better. I have joined this platform almost 2 months ago even after posting continuous 12 posts I didn't get what I expected and then I got an upvote from you and my way of looking on the platform changed. You guys are awesome. you could have earned much more than anyone but you are helping others. Hats off man. Salute to you all.....
I am very supportive with what you say dipostingan you ...@hendrikdegrote
Thanks for reading my story! Have an awesome day!
Hey Hendrik,
thanks for helping steem and us. I also belive steem will have a bright future.
And 2 years later, how do you feel about Steemit now? Look forward to another post about reflection.
I am commenting on this post after 9 months og its posting date. I have seen your profile and you haven't posted a single article but you are resteeming the good ones. You could have earned enough steem but you are doing something better than that. People like you are helping these site mate. I hae joined these platform a month ago and I have to explore many things here. upvoted this post and followed you. Sorry, my upvote is not worth as i don't have enough steem power with me but it doesn't matter cause its already 9 months. Keep steeming......
Hallo @hendrikdegrote, aan je naam te lezen ga ik er vanuit dat je Nederlandstalig bent. Ik ben pas een weekje geleden begonnen met steemit, en het verbaasd mij hoe weinig aandacht steemit heeft in Nederland (waar ik woon). Hoe denk je dat dit komt, en denk je dat de populariteit omhoog zal gaan in Nederland?
A lot has changed since you posted your intro. I also believe in the success of this platform so I am not powering down even if it goes live already. Looks like this was your first post and there's none after. You might be interested in photography, just like me a point and shoot guy who posts stuff that I see everyday. Why not try sharing photos of destinations you visit, would love to see them too. Cheers and Steem on!
Nice to meet you ! Also thanks for the up vote :)
Welcome , Thanks for post, i like your post, i am now following you, please follow me, i post a funny adult story, if you like with my post, i am happy
Thanks for believing in steemit and many people now are believing too including me.. I wish I continued Steeming last 2 years ago... (the time I dont know any about it so I leave but I came back with full of positive and I really believe in steemit. . . This is the revolution of social media
I just stumbled upon your profile quite randomly but it caught my attention!
Thats really a great thing to do! Thanks for your efforts @hendrikdegrote!
Hello @hendrikdegrote, we are just trying to set crowdfunding on Steemit to get resources to save Abongphen Highland Forest. Please could you help us in our effort? Thank you for your upvotes and resteems. https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@kedjom-keku/do-it-for-forest-crowdfunding-who-are-we-actually-forest-friendly-family-each-11usd-10x10-m-forest-saved
hendrikdegrote, Thanks for the info.
Art challenge for the development of our creative abilities - to draw pictures of famous artists or try new genres in painting. Our project doesn't have any prizes because we're Minnows. But we need support.Hi @hendrikdegrote Thank you for supporting quality content. Recently, my friends and I came up with an
As part of this challenge, one of my friends (artist and architect) @mister-omortson created an art work - his vision of the painting Dance Henri Matisse. https://steemit.com/art/@mister-omortson/art-nochallenge-with-no-rules
We believe that his work turned out very creative!!

Look original
I also invite you to watch my blog. My hobby is photography, traditional Chinese painting and much more. For example, recently I published a fairy tale Moominland for which I made creative photos with figures Moomintroll - https://steemit.com/art/@veta-less/moominland
Best regards, Veta
I love you're analogy of steem being a malleable piece of art...still in its infancy...it gives a minnow like myself hope.
if you can check out one of my intro post i would like to see what you have to say about it if you can again i would appreciate just a look if you can give.
Hi Sir @hendrikdegrote heard alot about you from Joe parys amazing story in your intro amazing how people like you have such a great impact in peoples life, people like you can teach guys like us Average Joe how to be successful would like to hear more from you . https://steemit.com/usa/@ychaudrys/america-the-land-of-opportunity-if-you-work-hard-you-can-achieve-all-and-that-s-my-story-please-read
thank you.
i am a real believer in the future you will succes here.
Glad to see you here kind man :)Hei @hendrikdegrote.
Thanks for encouraging the music on Steemit. It's a vital part of the community, and the main reason I'm still here after two weeks..! And well, I've seen your upvotes on a lot of music posts, including my own, and so you rock!
If only I could have heard about this fantastic website earlier! It's such a beautiful concept, and even though I have only joined this community a week ago, I have completely fallen in love with it! Congratulations on spotting the potential early on! From now on, I will do everything I can to make this a beter place as well! :)
Well steemit have the future. I have been investing my time on steemit and it has been great throughout. Great to see people like you being interested in platform. I am following you. Good Luck.
Thanks mindfreak, I am investing more and more of my time also, i really want to see this thing succeed. I will try to contribute every way i can...good luck to you also
It has changed i lived my life. So t certainly helped me a lot. Steemit can change my life. Its still in beta as you said. Lots of good thing is yet to come. Lets hope for best.
Looking forward for your posts. :)