Intro Post: About Me and My Weekly Steemit

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)


Hello, my name is Bryant Young. I am an article writer with blogging experience, an infallible work ethic, and a burning drive to aid the American youth in a time of political chaos through compelling proposals. Fueled by a righteous indignation at the injustices that plague our nation today, I created Optimistic American: a political opinions/interpretations blog centered on empowering youth progressivism and inspiring young voters to take action. I posted frequently, analyzing current issues and ideological stances, and forging a platform for progressive, young activists like myself to advocate for a better America tomorrow. Channeling my rage for injustice into each word, I accumulated a following and drew attention from local leaders and young activists alike. This led to contact with lawyers and local law firms, invitations to speak at local youth government events, and numerous other opportunities to contribute to a progressive movement and empower young activism, locally and beyond. This is my passion for politics. A blend of compassion and the fulfillment of helping those afflicted by the poisonous roots of our nation’s history propels my dedication to fueling a movement and improving lives in any way that I can. Beyond political interpretation, I creatively write freely and frequently to fuel my own insatiable obsession with the art of prose. My creative writing extends to short stories in several genres, work on long-term self-help projects, and beyond. Writing is my passion. It is the drive that, through hours of social activism through article writing and introspection through fiction writing, has presented me with unlimited opportunity for self-growth and success, and that has cemented my hope and motivation.

I created Optimistic American with several goals in mind: empowering progressivism, advocating for the youth, and giving a platform to issues which are too often drowned out by dozens of deafeningly wealthy corporations with private interests. These, essentially, will be my goals for my blog here on Steemit. Through consistent, relevant posting of current events and political analyses, I hope to educate, encourage and inspire readers who are interested or passionate and may engage in productive discourse on the subject.

I plan to post a weekly current issues blog with an analysis of a national event or speculation, its causes and the political climate which may have cultivated it, and its relevance in contemporary society and politics going forward. I will number and date these posts, so that the reader may jump in at any point in the blog and easily locate any of the previous or future posts. With the help of passionate, insightful readers, my weekly current events posts, which provide critical analyses of American politics, will establish a strong following to build on that base. In the future, I have ideas to actively engage the impassioned reader and initiate many other projects on the site as well.

Ultimately, my goal is to encourage a discussion. My passion is politics, and my drive is the reader. I hope to provide consistently substantive and enjoyable content with my weekly political analyses, and I will dedicate myself to never faltering on only posting fair, relevant and inclusive ideas. Despite my own inevitable bias, I will do my best to structure the posts, and select the issues of discussion, in a balanced and equitable way—I will not select issues which bolster any political view or ideology.

I am excited to embark on this journey with you, the enabled reader. Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction, and I would greatly appreciate any comments, suggestions, and new, insightful followers. I look forward to the many engaging discussions and analyses to come.

Best Wishes,

Bryant Young


You might want to consider adding at least one image to your introduction post for better traction. Tons of people here love politics, so if you like to write, you will fit right in.

Welcome to Steemit!
Here are some of my old posts with some tips I picked up along the way.

Hopefully you will find some of them helpful.

Tips 1- 10 / Tips 11-20 / Tips 21-30


Thanks for the advice! I’m definitely a steemit newbie so I greatly appreciate all the help. I had considered an image at first but decided against it due to it just being an intro, but in hindsight, an image would certainly be beneficial. I do love writing and am clearly passionate about politics, so I can’t wait to get started! Thanks again

Welcome to Steemit! I like this post about how to make posts for new users: Getting good post lay-out is extremely important if you are going to gain followers. Steem On!

Thank you! I found this post to be incredibly helpful and will definitely check out more of the guides. I am new, but I hope to learn as much as I can in order to craft the most substantive, engaging posts that I can. Thanks again, I really do appreciate all the helpful feedback.
Best wishes

Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy the ride as much as you can!

Thank you! I am excited to get started!

Welcome to Steemit! :)

Thank you! Super excited!

Welcome! I am very pleased to welcome you to a group as enriching as steemit. In this community you can find the tools to achieve your success ... I invite you to view my post. A hug.