how the sport began

in #introduction7 years ago

For our civilization, the birth of sport was a form of expression and exchange of concepts as it was evolving in the emerging society; that is why it took a gradual turn and importance at the end of the different periods of history. This manuscript is intended to deliver the most important moments of the world's sport development throughout the periods in which it has registration. In our study we must highlight some theories about the beginning of sport, based on anthropological and archaeological studies of various specialists that will lead us to have a more finished concept of how the foundations of sport in different cultures and societies were founded

sports theory :
-Beginning we see the approaches of Popplow [1] (1960) who tells us that the origin of sports activity, although incipiently, is in the Middle Paleolithic period (33,000 BC), developed mainly by ritual dances, organized fighters and first hunting games as initiation to levels of adulthood by the members of the different colonies of men and women. Popplow, believes that physical exercise had a purely spiritual sense that allowed man to approach the vital unit with their gods and nature.

in this story the Olympic games are part:

-They are developed in the city of Olympia, and has as characteristic the so-called "Olympic truce" that persists to this day, this truce is a sacred pact of peace between neighboring towns not to impede the development of competitions or "Agón "During the period of training and competition, this pact is called" ekecheiria "and was enunciated towards the four cardinal points of Olympia by the" spondophors ", who proclaimed this truce. The games had a duration of 5 days where they disputed tests of jump or "Halma", race or "Dromos", discus throw, throw of the javelin, fight or "Palé", pentathlon and horse racing. The victors of the various tests were given a Calistéfano or olive crown as a sign of the winner.

-It is a time of obscurantism for sport, due to the fall of the Roman Empire, the conversion to Christianity and the settlement of extreme social classes; that is why in this period of time there are few records of activities, which mostly were made by the upper classes or nobility, since they were allowed to have moments of hubbub and distension. Within the epoch there are 4 very marked social classes: the nobility, the clergy, the knights and the common people, which had essential roles for social development and were of the hereditary type; that is to say that one was born with the social condition and one could not aspire to another. An exceptional case was that of the knights, which prior to various rites could arise from the lower classes as long as a messiah or a noble presented them to the court and approved his process of "conversion" and "ordering". In itself the sports activity of the time was usually translated into 4 well-established sports: the "Jeu de Puome", the "Soule", "Tournaments" and the "Joust". These types of sports are the first glimpses of some sports that are currently practiced.

1:Jeu de Poume:
-It is the precursor of the current tennis, played between nobles and the clergy, had characteristics similar to what we know today, ie: two opponents, a ball and a net. The purpose of the game was to force the ball to fall in the opponent's field and it was marked in a similar way that today (15 - 30 - 40), the caveats that it had was that there was no delimited field for the game, it was used only a rope that divided the adversary fields, and played with the hands. Over time and after several prohibitions by the clergy (Council of Sens, 1485), this game was evolving both in the delimitation of the field, the use of gloves and rackets, and the change of the rope by a network.

-It was practiced by the common people only, and consisted of an indeterminate group of settlers faced in two camps, they had to move the ball in an open field towards the arch or goal of the rival, being a precursor of football and hockey for its two variants, since it was played only with the feet or with a cane. This type of game was very practiced and popular in England and France, which despite its high level of rudeness with which it was practiced (there were no rules other than playing using the foot or the sticks to hit the ball) that transcended the same spectators of the game, therefore it is inferred that already at that time similar fights could be seen by the fans of both sides in the manner of what is present today with the hooligans.

-They were the instances of war representation and exaltation of the knights, since they could recreate a battle (individual or group) in different situations; this promoted the training of secular forces and rites. There were 2 types of tournaments, the one of "Melee" in which there were no apparent rules, they had a duration of one day and could participate both knights, nobles, clergy and common people. The other type of tournament was the "Cortes", which has defined rules, was organized by a demand or challenge to the opponent (s) and was given a time of preparation for the same one.

-They are the classic Justas of armed struggle in horses, where the siege of the opponents was promoted in pursuit of a trophy. This type of games had varied duration and different reasons, since it could be individually or in groups, with different levels of weapons but preferably the spear, since the objective of it was to throw the opponent in an opposition race.

-and to conclude the rebirth of sport:
-In the Renaissance, physical and sporting activity continues to be influenced by the tournaments and jousts of the Middle Ages in its beginnings, but with the progress of society and the new establishment of the bourgeois classes, new horizons are expanded with respect to games, since they pretend deliver entertainment, a massive development of these and orientations associated with the education of man over the military interest that was previously developed. That is why two very strong currents are visualized around sports development, mediated mainly by two countries that lead this change: Italy and England. In the first country, it is seen as thanks to thinkers and educators, physical activity is a good source of harmony between the soul and the body, associating these in activities of a "playful" nature, such as dance, riding, swimming and athleticism; that is why they begin to define certain rules for practice that do not involve specific aggressions against the opponent and to take a position of non-aggressive confrontation in everyday sports practices
