Hi Steemians,
my name is Bernd (pronounciate it like "burnt" -sounds much better in english than in german) and I´m from Berlin, Germany.
My wish and my destination is to be a little brake for you in your daily life. So if you feel lazy, stressed, nervous, crazy, crumpy ... rest a minute and have a look on my blog. I´m sure you´ll find some mental recreation.
It´s a ambitious venture, I know.
Let me give you an example:
Australia. You know the Outback, have pictures in your mind. Red Sand, dry bushes, long roads, kangaroos.
Not long ago I sat in a small bus driving down the West Coast to Perth. Because of a blowout we were to late. Because of the not working AC we were pissed.
Suddenly a fat kangaroo lay in the middle of the road. We stopped and found a dead kangaroo - with a little baby in its pouch.
A dead mother kangaroo and a almost dead baby kangaroo in the middle of nowhere? The group chose me to decide what to do.
What would you do in this situation?
This foto was made in a kangaroo help station 250 kilometres away.
Willkommen bei Schtiemitd :-D

Welcome to Steemit )
Great article