
i was wondering what the Morty's were and how they fit in

Hi there, @shadowspub.
For those of us who move a lot in the world of EOS and its infinity of tokens, the MORTY $ token it's a token that has no monetary value but its value lies in the fact that the community uses it to "bribe" people to make certain things, such as retweets, resteems, etc..
That's the way they fit here.

Well ... some folks on Steem don't move in the world of EOS. I have an account but only so I can stake Trybe tokens. The rest of EOS holds no interest for me. So, why exactly would you choose to use an EOS based bribe on Steem?

There is no problem @shadowspub

So, why exactly would you choose to use an EOS based bribe on Steem?

Well, why not? It is a way to make use of that token that seems even fun. Everything is to encourage interaction between communities or blockchains.

might make sense to you, makes no sense to me. Also, your use of the creative coin graphics in a manner which makes it look like it's endorsing what you are doing is deceptive. That also means the use of the tag is tag spam.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Well @shadowspub, in case you didn't notice we posted all the graphics of the payment methods we're accepting: EOS; CCC, ENG, BTC, etc..
So, I don't get your point.
Also telling you, the use of the tags is to autopost in their chains, in case you don't know that's the use of their tags.
My truly opinion: you're all just trying to chasing ghosts here and harassing a decent project.

I am not involved with the other projects thus made no comment on them. Your use of the creativecoin tag was wrong to start with since the post is not related. It's also what drew my attention to your questionable project.

How interesting though, someone questions or expresses a view it's harassment. You're either some sort of snowflake or throwing up smoke screens ... you can choose.

thetalentclub eh .. i used to follow those posts.

Hi there, @virtualgrowth.
We appreciate that you take the trouble to comment on our presentation article, even if your comment it's too misleading in its statements.
The only thing you can get close to something in the truth is that we are in a pre-sale token period for a week; that means searching for investors, who will enjoy great advantages.
If you took the trouble to read this article and to observe the project well, you will see that, precisely, this project is very well thought out, elaborated and with a lot of work behind.
The same way we appreciated your comment, we will appreciate in the future that you find out a little better after writing or saying things that don't match the truth.
Thanks again and have a nice day.

What project? What is this mysterious service you're aiming to provide? I see nothing but blather and talk about tokens and distribution and NOTHING about product. I have read this twice.

Posted using Partiko Android

Already answered you above.
Product is really clear to us and to those who want to understand.
The same way that many other new projects used: to create a token with a series of advantages, in our case, large advantages.

You answered nothing with nothing.
It's simply a circle jerk with tokens . Your numbers are BS and you are a scammernans dreamer.

Posted using Partiko Android

 5 years ago (edited) 

You answered nothing with nothing.

We think that our WhitePaper is long enough and full of data to answer everything, by itself, with a lot of detail and figures.
Thank you.

If you took the trouble to read this article and to observe the project well, you will see that, precisely, this project is very well thought out, elaborated and with a lot of work behind.

Oh! Most of us here already know pretty well that your project was actually well thought out and not just fortuitous nor randomly chosen how to baptize each one of its child branches. };)
If you were upset to read our comment in that article that you praise so much @por500bolos, which speaks badly about us, for free, from the ignorance that its author shows and that we refuted with said comment, you would learn more about how to make a good project, if any in you want to make one in your life.

Para nada me molesta vuestro comentario en respuesta (rebuttal) a la publicación a la que he hecho referencia (que no alabanza) sobre lo que muy detalladamente ha expuesto allí su autor. Sino todo lo contrario. De hecho me alegra que defendáis vuestra posición. Para eso precisamente es que está el debate para aclarar la confusión.

No obstante, en mi opinión, no habéis dicho nada nuevo sino recalcar lo que ya habíais descrito antes. Y por lo tanto, sin mucho éxito en vuestro esfuerzo de rebuttal como para aclarar satisfactoriamente los "posibles" malentendidos (misunderstandings) y convincentemente despejar así las dudas y afirmaciones de los que os adversan en su evidente percepción de que vuestro proyecto solo apunta a reforzar de una manera inmediata, sectaria, unilateral y egoísta los bolsillos de vuestro CEO, adláteres y amigotes de vuestro 'círculo de talentos' exclusivamente y antes que a nadie.

Y luego, si acaso, con mucha esperanza y precariamente en el distante futuro y si todo sale bien según lo planteado/planeado estar en capacidad de cumplir con vuestras promesas y premisa de que eventualmente a través de vuestros "descuentos del 20% en la compra de vuestro token, vuestros selectivos airdrops iniciales, extra airdrops con x20 ROI, las rifas y demás jodederas sin mucho fundamento" van a poder compensar (recompensar) la fe, esperanza e inversión de quienes hayan confiado en vuestro proyecto y "por ahora" defectuoso esquema de obtención de ganancias (profits) y distribución de los beneficios como para redimir lo ofrecido a los inversores.

Así que como podéis apreciar, no soy uno más de los que opine que vuestra propuesta requiere y exige una revisión más a fondo sobre el como estructurarlo factible y coherentemente de vista a obtener el respaldo y apoyo de los inversionistas. Porque de momento tal y como está planteado y concebido, realmente deja mucho que desear para resultar atractivo para captar fondos. Pero sobre todo, como para poder evitar que la gente perciba vuestra iniciativa como un intento de enriquecer exclusivamente y de forma instantánea a su fundador/creador, a los miembros de su talentoso club y demás acólitos de vuestra cofradía. "Circle Jerking" como lo denominan los que ejercen la lengua del Shakespeare.

Por lo que mi participación, opinión e intervención en este debate, no ha sido más que con la intención de fomentar la sindéresis en todos los que hasta ahora han opinado. :)

Un abrazo!!

 5 years ago (edited) 

El tema @por500bolos, es que el autor de dicho artículo plantea unas hipótesis que desde su base son erróneas. Si partimos ya de esa base, todo lo que ha dicho ese autor es un enredo sin sentido que para nada tiene que ver con nuestro proyecto y creo, que con dicho comentario, hemos aclarado muchos de los errores que esa y otras personas han cometido a la hora de interpretarnos, como sea el tema de los 8,000 STEEM y demás barbaridades.
Por otro lado, a rasgos generales y si has invertido en algún proyecto alguna vez (yo he invertido en muchos y en muy distintas blockchains) sabrás que ninguno te genera beneficios de inmediato. Es más, suelen recaudar fondos con una serie de ventajas (como nosotros estamos legítimamente haciendo), salir a mercado y sus tokens suelen caer en precio respecto a lo que lo compraste. Pero no te importa, porque sabes que el producto es bueno y que esto de la inversión y de los proyectos no es un sprint sino una carrera de fondo.
Continuo argumentando que creemos de sobra que los servicios que ofrecemos son varios y complementarios y que sigo sin ver dónde ven ustedes las ansias de un CEO y sus acólitos de enriquecerse con las siguientes propuestas:
-Airdrop gratuito a más de 250 cuentas.
-20% de descuento y extra airdrop de x20 en lo comprado durante la pre-sale.
-Rifa gratuita que 4166SPHR al mes, para aquellos que posean 2500SPHR (cantidad que muchos tendrán gratis por el airdrop y solo tendrán que hacer hold para disfrutar de dichas rifas).
-Voto de por vida a nuestros inversores, que irá acorde a nuestro SP y que cuanto más nos financien mayor podremos darlo.
-Reparto anualmente en STEEM del 35% de los beneficios de la compra de tokens, sea durante la pre-sale o durante los años venideros. Y aquí puntualizo que es en STEEM, y que puede subir perfectamente y que gente que compró unos miles de tokens baratos se encuentre con que solo con el bote anual recuperó lo invertido.
-10% de los beneficios, en STEEM, destinados a obras caritativas.
-Reparto anual de tokens como passive income solo por stakear nuestro token*.

Cualquier persona con dos dedos de frente que lea esto verá que sí, que somos muy muy malos y egoístas. Somos ogros sedientos de dinero, claro...: ¡por favor..., es que es o para mearse de la risa o para llorar, vamos!

Además, para evitar en la medida de lo posible una fluctuación a la baja en el token, nos reservamos el derecho, como hacen muchos otros proyectos, de quedarnos en nuestra cuenta del proyecto una serie de tokens a modo de salvaguarda para no tocarlos y que no se vendan.

Esto es habitual en miles de proyectos pero aquí os pensáis muchos que tenéis idea de algo y sois simples aficionados.

Y que conste que no intento faltarte a ti al respeto personalmente con dicho comentario, que es generalizado.

La sindéresis no puede darse cuandos e parten de principios erróneos y se crea el efecto borrego donde la mitad de la gente ni se habrá leído el White Paper pero ha criticado sin tener ni idea.

No pretendo discutir contigo. Tenemos la conciencia muy tranquila y siempre hemos hecho bien las cosas a pesar de lo difícil que siempre nos los han puesto (como ya pasó con The Talent Club, que ahora se ha convertido en un referente y bastantes copias de él por ahí), y seguiremos adelante con este proyecto para intentar demostrar a la gente que se equivocó.

Sufriremos las consecuencias, seguramente, de vuestra inmerecida y errónea crítica hacia nuestro proyecto en lo que respecta al token, porque quizá muchos vendan el token en vez de guardarlo para optar a lo que ofrecemos, pero como siempre hemos hecho, navegaremos las olas e intentaremos mantener a flote nuestro barco.


Your post and some comments here lack information. Please present more supporting details as others have expressed concern for. Looks like asking for tokens with mention of "project". Simply making a statement of how things looked and open to ore research myself. But think such posts should be more informative.

Hello again, @virtualgrowth
We did our best to try to do the White Paper as complete, transparent and full of figures and numbers as possible, at the same time that we intended that all that data was understandable by people and there would be no misunderstandings, as there have been (although some of them have been on purpose by some paid persons).
We also tried our best answering every question here (although here more than ask us we have been directly accused) and every accusation, with arguments and trying to make people understand the advantages that they supposedly did not see, did not understand or did not want to see.
We also disproved all the illegitimate and free accusations that a Rep.74 user made about us here:
We honestly do not know what else to do or say about it, because I think that among all the answers we have given to people in the comments and that we believe that our White Paper is quite broad and well explained, there should be some clarity regarding our good Intentions and our project model, which is not, at all, neither selfish nor, much less, a scam.
We just try to contribute our grain of sand to help the community.
We're still open to anyone who still have any concrete doubt about anything; we will kindly answer and explain it, point per point, if such doubt is not deductible from the White Paper.
I think we just deserved some more respect and less free accusations when we truly go to community with a White Paper and a project with a lot of work behind.
If we had some bad intentions, we would not have promoted ourselves in this way, nor would we have taken out so much exposed data as we have already done.
As said, we've tried our best.
Have a nice day.

What did you say? Illegitimate and free accusations!!!
What's this in your answer to @shadowspub?:

You know, here are people paid to do what they've done, for your information.

Anyway, I won't like to go into any debate with you regarding that. Let's first discuss the project in question.

We're still open to anyone who still have any concrete doubt about anything; we will kindly answer and explain it, point per point

Okay, I've enlisted a few questions for you here:

More on it later!

 5 years ago (edited) 

Well, we have seen less elaborated projects than this one with much less accusations or disrespects, that's why we said illegitimate and free accusations, because we go ahead with our project, introducing it in a large White Paper with number and figures and got called of scammers.

Our reply is here: