My Introduction

Hi ! My name is Siavach. I was born in 1981 in Ispahan, in the middle of Iran. When i was nine years old, my family and I moved to France. I am now 35 years old and work for the main French Railway company as an engineer.

I am also a salsa dancer and the founder of SALSA LOCA, a salsa school in Strasbourg. It's been an amazing human adventure who inspired me the desire to add value to the salsa lovers all over the world. I am very exited to announce you that I will be sharing some content very shortly. As Nietzsche, I think that

"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once".
As the salsa school manager, I discovered a new passion 4 years ago and it's the photography (my site). My goal is to capture the beauty of the instant, in other words the power of now in on a salsa dance floor.

I am seeking for a platform for sharing my content with a community of passionate people looking for a different user experience than the usual social media. I am joining this plateform on my friend an debate mate @ekitcho's recommendation.

If you you are a salsa lover, a music fan, photography addict and and or just an epicurean please follow my differents posts.