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RE: Introducing myself, finding your passion, and who wants to start a Steemit Book Club?

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

LOL ok, so I just realized you're an already published author. Somehow that just didn't register as I was reading your post. I really need to stop trying to use this site on my phone, looks like half the post is missing on my phone, but on my desktop it's just fine. My phone cuts off at The lesson: Just having a dream is not enough; just having a mentor or guide is not enough; just working hard is not enough. You need to be receptive, positive, and open: in short, teachable
So umm yeah, sorry about that.

The steembooks thing is meant to lure folks away from wattpad etc. But you're welcome to join us too!
As for your book club that's a great idea too. Trying to figure out how that would work in steemit in general. But we do have and if you ever want to do face to face video conferences I've been using which can handle a huge number of participants and has no cost.


Love what you're doing. Will follow you and stay tuned in, and maybe participate sometime as well. Have a ton of unpublished stuff I love on the hard drive, which is one of the reasons I'm here.

@neilstrauss Awesome and glad to hear it! I'm really excited to have someone who actually reads books, try this stuff out. So many people just quickly scan anymore and don't give themselves time to really enjoy it and think about what they just read.

Its actually really weird.... he didnt mention once that i noticed in this or the phil collins post what i guess might be his most "pop appeal" work. The Game... which is kind of a bible to douchey PUA types. I wouldnt have made the connection if he wasnt mentioned in another thread i wouldnt have made the connection myself.