Hi, I'm Dani Zavarce, and welcome to What's Dani Cooking? If you share my love of fresh, natural, delicious foods overflowing with flavor, you've come to the right place.
A little about me:) I grew up in Venezuela on local, farm-fresh food. There were hundreds of types of fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, oils and nuts at the market, first cultivated from the forest and then grown on small farms with rich soil, many of varieties people here have never seen. My father loves to fish and we could eat straight from the land, rivers and lakes on our trips. But, as I grew, I began to notice though that more and more mass-produced, heavily-processed foods were making their way into Venezuela. I saw that people would eat much more food but feel less satisfied and less nourished, while gaining weight and feeling sick.
Though I worked a day job as an accountant, I started cooking from scratch for my family and friends, and eventually my twin sister asked me to cater her wedding. The food there was such a hit I started a small catering company on the side and it took off. Finally, two years ago, I gave it a shot, quit my job, and came to culinary school in America. I wanted to learn how to bring what I had been doing to more people, and to run a full, professional kitchen mixing classic technique with the energy, spirit, and attention to detail (I'm a little OCD ;) ) of my cooking back home. I graduated with honors in 2017, and started What's Dani Cooking soon after!
I'd love to share what I've learned with you and celebrate the feeling you and your family and friends get from a great, nourishing meal.....
I want to give a special thanks to my brother @hzavarce, for introducing me to Steemit, his unparallel love for technology and photography lets him go to amazing places and in this case to all of you, Love you Bro!, go check his profile out if you like pictures, he is my photographer :P
So let's get to it! I confess I am in love with Pesto; and when it is fresh made, in my book, there is nothing better to add to a healthy Mediterranean-style meal. With this recipe, you will feel like you've been whisked away to the Tuscan countryside (well, not really, but maybe if I say it enough, it will happen for some of you!).
Before I start, you may be asking, isn't pesto high calorie? Well, yeah! But that isn't the full story. Oils and fats unfairly have a bad name simply because they are "fat." Eating fat is not what makes people gain weight. While you want to make sure to avoid processed vegetable oils like canola or margarine at all costs, healthy oils - like extra virgin olive oil (I prefer unfiltered) - are essential for a satiating, energizing, low-glycemic diet that will keep you lean and your mind clear.
Fats like these produce very little or no insulin (i.e. fat-storing) response in your body. Your body will naturally regulate them and control your appetite as long as - and this is important - you aren't mixing in sugars and processed foods and carbs that signal to your body that it is fat-storing time. So my fresh pesto, with nutrient-rich basil, is something you can, and should, enjoy on its own or as part of a healthy meal!
This is my economic but really good version of Pesto. The original recipe is made with pine nuts, but if you are trying to get something less expensive you can use almonds.
Basil Almond Pesto
• 3 cups Fresh Basil.
• 2 Garlic Cloves.
• 1 tsp Lemon Zest.
• 1 tbsp Lemon Juice.
• ½ cup Olive Oil.
• ¼ cup Toasted Almonds.
• 1/3 cup Parmesan Cheese.
• Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes.
• Salt to Taste (I use about 1 ½ tsp)
• Black Pepper to Taste.
- Pre heat the oven to 350* F.
- Place the almonds in a sheet tray and bake them for about 6-8 min, or until they are toasted.
- Let them cool.
- In a blender or food processor, add the basil leaves, lemon zest and juice, red pepper flakes, garlic, almonds and Parmesan cheese, and blend continuously until the ingredients start to breakdown.
- Add the olive oil slowly and blend until you get a smooth paste.
- Blend until the oil is combined with the basil and all the others ingredients.
- Add salt and black pepper, and adjust the favor.
- If you prefer you can add more garlic and/or Parmesan cheese.
Store it in a small glass container, pat it down with a spoon to get rid of all the air pocket. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. If you think you will not consume all of it in a week, you can use ice cube trays and freeze them and when is frozen, transfer them into a ziplock bag and use them every time you need!
You can use pesto sauce in almost anything you want, like for examples: chicken, salads, sandwiches, pizzas, pastas and much more. And if you would like to substitute pasta for something healthier, you can use zucchini noddles ;)
I hope you love it as I do, XOXO Dani
Hola, soy Dani Zavarce y bienvenido a What's Dani Cooking? Si compartes mi amor por los alimentos frescos, naturales y deliciosos que rebosan de sabor, has venido al lugar correcto.
Un poco sobre mí :) Crecí en Venezuela con alimentos locales frescos. Habían cientos de tipos de frutas y verduras, hierbas y especias, aceites y nueces en el mercado, primero cultivados en el bosque y luego cultivados en pequeñas granjas con tierra rica, muchas de las variedades que la gente aquí nunca ha visto. A mi padre le encanta pescar y podíamos comer directamente de la tierra, ríos y lagos en nuestros viajes. Pero, a medida que crecía, empecé a notar que cada vez más, alimentos procesados en masa y procesados en gran escala se abrían camino hacia Venezuela. Vi que la gente comía mucha más comida, pero se sentía menos satisfecha y menos nutrida, mientras aumentaba de peso y se sentía mal.
Aunque trabajé un día como contadora, comencé a cocinar desde cero para mí familia y mis amigos, y eventualmente mi hermana gemela me pidió que atendiera su boda. La comida allí fue un éxito que empece una pequeña empresa de catering en un costado y despegó. Finalmente, hace dos años, le di una oportunidad, renuncié a mi trabajo y vine a la escuela culinaria en Estados Unidos. Quería aprender cómo llevar lo que había estado haciendo a más personas, y dirigir una cocina completa y profesional que mezcla la técnica clásica con la energía, el espíritu y la atención al detalle (soy un poco OCD;)) de mi cocina de vuelta a casa. Me gradué con honores en 2017 y comencé ¡¿What’s Dani Cooking poco después ?!
Me encantaría compartir contigo lo que he aprendido y celebrar el sentimiento que tú y tu familia y amigos obtienen de una comida estupenda y nutritiva ...
Quiero darle gracias a mi hermano @hzavarce su amor por la tecnología y fotografía siempre lo llevan a lugares maravillosos y esta vez lo trajo a ustedes, te quiero hermano!, vayan a su perfil si les gusta la fotografía, el es mi fotógrafo.
¡Hagamoslo! Confieso que estoy enamorada del Pesto; y cuando está recién hecho, en mi libro, no hay nada mejor que agregar a una comida sana de estilo mediterráneo. Con esta receta, caerás como si te hubieran llevado al campo toscano (bueno, no en realidad, pero tal vez si lo digo lo suficiente, ¡sucederá para algunos de ustedes!).
Antes de comenzar, es posible que preguntes, ¿no es el pesto alto en calorías? ¡Bueno sí! Pero esa no es la historia completa. Los aceites y las grasas tienen un nombre injusto simplemente porque son "grasas". Comer grasa no te hace engordar. Si bien quiere asegurarse de evitar los aceites vegetales procesados como el de canola o la margarina a toda costa, los aceites saludables, como el aceite de oliva, son esenciales para una dieta saciante, energizante y de baja glucemia que le mantendrá delgado. Las grasas como éstas producen casi ninguna respuesta de insulina (es decir, almacenamiento de grasa) en su cuerpo. Su cuerpo naturalmente los regulará y controlará su apetito siempre y cuando esto sea importante), no mezcle azúcares, alimentos procesados y carbohidratos que señalen a su cuerpo que es el tiempo de almacenamiento de grasa. ¡Así que mi pesto fresco, con albahaca rica en nutrientes, es algo que puedes y debes disfrutar solo o como parte de una comida saludable!
Esta es mi versión económica pero muy buena del pesto. La receta original del pesto es con piñones pero si buscas algo un poco más económico puedes sustituirlos por almendras, nuez de la India o con cualquier otra nuez de tu preferencia.
Pesto de Albahaca y Almendras
• 3 tazas de Albahaca Fresca.
• 2 Dientes de Ajo.
• 1 cucharadita de Ralladura de Limón.
• 1 cucharada de Jugo de Limón.
• ½ taza de Aceite de Oliva.
• ¼ taza de Almendras Tostadas.
• 1/3 taza de Queso Parmesano.
• Una pizca de Hojuelas de Pimienta Roja.
• Sal al gusto.
• Pimienta Negra al gusto.
- Precalentar el horno a350* F.
- En una bandeja, colocar las almendras y hornear entre 6 y 8 min, o hasta que estén tostadas.
- Déjarlas enfriar.
- En una licuadora o un procesador de alimentos, incorporar las hojas de albahaca, ralladura y jugo de limón, las hojuelas de pimienta roja, ajo, almendras y el queso parmesano, y licuar continuamente hasta que los ingredientes estén triturados
- Añadir el aceite de oliva poco a poco y mezclar hasta formarse una pasta suave.
- Licuar hasta que el aceite se integre con la albahaca y el resto de los ingredientes.
- Añadir sal y pimienta negra, y ajustar el sabor.
- Puedes agregar mas ajo y/o queso Parmesano al gusto.
Guardarlo en un frasco de vidrio, presionándolo para quitarle todos los espacios con aire. Lo puedes guardar en la nevera hasta por 1 semana. Si deseas conservarlo por más tiempo, lo puedes colocar en cubetas para hielo y congelarlos. Una vez congelados, pásalos a una bolsita ziplock y utilízalo cuando lo necesites.
Puedes utilizar la salsa pesto en prácticamente en todo lo que desees, como por ejemplo: en pollo, ensaladas, sandwiches, pizzas, pastas y mucho mas. Y si prefieres sustituir la pasta por algo más saludable puedes usarlo con pasta de zucchinis ;)
Espero lo disfruten tanto como yo, mucho amor Dani.
Beautiful smile! Welcome on board!
Thank yo so much!!! =) I like your post about busy.org even though I don't understand it very well. Do you mind explain it to me? How does it works, do i have to create another account? Hope you can help me. Thanks again!!! =D @cron
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bienvenida a steemit C=
Gracias!!! :)
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thank you!!!!
bienvenida y que tenga éxito en lo que te gusta....
Muchísimas Gracias!! Que lindo!! :)
Welcome to Steem. I look forward to your recipes!!
Thank you so much!!! You are so sweet. I hope you enjoy making my recipes the same way i do.. :D @richellis
thank you for sharing amazing story of your success with cooking. I am following you to read more of your cooking ideas. Great work! I hope you will continue to write and learn.
Thank you very much!! You are so sweet. The people is what inspire me :) @husamia
¡Hola @whatsdanicooking ! Bienvenida a la comunidad de Steemit. Gusto en conocerte.
Hola! Un placer conocerte. Muchísimas gracias! Estoy muy emocionada de estar en esta comunidad. =D
¡De nada!
Very Excellent Pictures!
Welcome to Steemit! Nice to meet you. :-)
Upvoted and followed!
I hope you have lots of fun here and make many friends! :-)
Thank you for sharing! :-)
Thank you so much!! Nice to meet you too!
You are so sweet!! Im following you too and upvoted. Im looking forward to make a lot of friends and learn from everyone in here. Thanks for your support =D
You're very welcome. :-)
Thank you for your sweet reply and the Upvote and Follow! :-)
Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)
Thank you very much!! I hope you enjoy my recipes =) @doitvoluntarily
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Thank you so much!!
Welcome. That pesto looks great!.
BTW Your password created 5 keys for you. By default you probably logged in with the "master" key. Not a good idea as it enables access to your $$$. It's better to log in with your Private POSTING key.
Thank you so much for that information. Im already using my private posting key. =D Im still learning so if you have another advise just let me know. :)
No Problem. Be safe, it's different to other social media here, your $$$ are connected to your account. So only log in with POSTING key, unless your transferring your millions$ :-)
and if you think you have been "compromised" just generate a new password & new keys - but keep copies of things as you go, don't want to lock yourself out!!
Hola Dani, welcome to Steem! :-)
Hola!! Thank you very much!! Very interesting your posts. Is good to know all that information =D @gtg
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Thank you!! Happy to be here.
A new Steemian ^^ hello @whatsdanicooking I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk
Hi @tradewonk Thank you so much for your wish, you are so sweet!! im following your account too. Very interesting you post #18. Wise words! See you around =D
That was quite lengthy but it was worth, amazing introduction post, Dani. Thanks for the recipe of Basil Almond Pesto and letting us know how and where to use it. ;) Have fun Steeming.
Hi!! Thank you so much for the observation =) Hope you enjoy the recipe. I will post more very soon. Thanks again!! =D @firepower
I will follow you to see your future posts! +vote
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