A new day, A new beginning - New birthday, new job, new life!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

A new day

Tomorrow it will be Monday the 12th. of March (I know I know, for some of you it'll already be today but I trust you can figure that out for yourself) and it's exactly 34 years ago I came into this life, screaming and kicking like a madman! A loooot of stuff has happened since that faithful day back in 1984 but ultimately it has, not very surprisingly, lead me to where I am today, sitting here in front of my computer writing this article for you to read. I always thought I'd be rich by now, though I never knew how, and now I am just that, although, not even close in the economic sense.. No I'm rich on experiences! on life! on memories! - and all that other spiritual goofball stuff people always tell each other, and I'm actually totally cool with that.

Your truly in the snowy forest just a few days ago

So yeah, happy birthday to myself, really awesome I made it this far! Who would have known right? It's been quite a roller-coaster over the years and while I won't bother you with my whole life story, it has mostly gone downhill, at least until a few years ago. It's been a while since I could get really excited about celebrating a birthday but this year I'm honestly quite thrilled because not only is it my birthday, I'm also starting on a brand new job!

A new job

I'm an educated pedagog - the few fortunate of you reading this that hails from northern Europe you might know what it is, for the rest it's hard to explain, something like a mix of a caretaker, a teacher and a life-coach - and I've been searching frantically for a job since I had to leave @iwanderela in warm and lovely Cebu back in the Philippines. Last week though I got the call back from the school for children with special needs Geelgårdsskolen and already tomorrow I'll start my new job working with mentally and physically disabled kids and I'm absolutely thrilled to turn this next page in my life.

gif stolen from here

Obviously I can't tell you guys everything that happens, because of the confidentially agreement that is in place working with private people like that, but I hope I can keep you all updated on all the amazing and incredible things I'll learn and experience, just like I'm looking forward to share my funny and joyful moments of my work in general. One thing is for sure, working with these kids are gonna be quite a ride and I'm so excited to get back to work again.

A new life?

It's been a bit more than 5½ year ago I went to the Philippines the first time as a volunteer worker, with no clue what to expect from this strange far away country. It was a crazy half a year I spend in Cebu, getting to know the Philippine people and society up close and personal, and I made a lot of great friends while I lived there. One of the friendly locals I met was this slightly annoying party girl. I had a great time with her but no matter what I tried I could never get through to her. Fast forward a few years I met the same girl again, and though she was, and still is to this day, an immensely annoying devilwoman, she had put the party lifestyle behind her and was now running her own hostel Hey Fellas, all grown up and much more susceptible to my Danish charm.
@iwanderela and I have now been together just about 3½ year and I already feel half cebuano, at least by heart. We've seen a lot of South-east Asia and some of Europe together, but we have also spend a whole lot of time not being near each other, with me working in Denmark and her running her hostel, and that's really taking it's toll on us. We are both passionate about travelling and that will hopefully never change, but the whole going back and forth is something we want to be over with by now, so maybe... maybe this birthday will herald not only a new way in my life and a new job but possibly also a new life - together?

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@iwanderela and I on our latest trip to Camotes islands - Philippines

A new steemit

Well, not much is gonna change here as I by now have almost figured out what I want to do here, but a few changes is probably gonna happen for my little blog here in it's future existence. When I started out I was quick to join as many contests as possible and I had a great fun with that for some time and with the prize money I managed to collect I got a good foundation for my later blogging. Lately though I've found myself not enjoying it as much as I did without being able to tell you why - I'll still be poking in at different contests that catch my attention, just less frequently I think.
My goal with this blog is to be more focused on writing about travels, art and photography as I already do but I'll also include my more geeky interests such as computer, cardboard and roleplaying games because I've completely missed out on that so far and I can really feel the urge to write about some of these things that I hold dear in my nerd heart. Besides that I've started to find myself on the _New_ page of #photography, #art and #travel giving out advice, criticism and upvotes all the while enjoying myself. It's something I want to expand on so If anyone sits on too much SP and wants to delegate a bit I'll gladly accept to be able to give even more, although for now I'm doing just fine with what I have already (Yay I have 500 SP already, even though most are rented.. thanks to @blocktrades for their service!)

Oh yeah last thing, if anyone likes my "new" banner and would fancy something like it give me a poke.. I'd like to try and challenge myself by doing stuff for others and maybe earn a little from that (obviously, if you think it stinks then please tell me why so I can improve from that ;)

That's all from me for now, stay awesome steemians and enjoy your Monday.. Remember, if the weather is good it's because I'm such an angel and if it's bad it's probably because someone else in your area also has his or her birthday and has been kind of a dick lately.

With much cake and cheer - Jesper

When I was a kid, I’ve been told that it’s a blessing when it rains in your birthday. Its been raining here in Cebu overnight until now.
More blessings to come for you then or maybe you’re just being a dick as what you’ve said. 😂

I really wanna write something cheesy like how other normal girlfriends greet their boyfriends but I just don’t know how to do it. 😂
You know me already, I’m just good at being mean, like the devil woman you say. 😈

Happy Birthday! I love you 😘

I hope it’s sweet enough hahaha that’s all I can do for now.

That's so cheesy baby.. but I love you too, thanks for making it a good day <3

It's also been raining here all day, either I'm super blessed or someone with birthday today near where I live has been really bad.

This post is awesome, for a moment I thought this was your very first post and I was amazed by the post quality. Still, you are very new to the platform and you are already creating great content, continue this way and you´ll continue to se nice payouts.

Thanks man, I set my standard high when I write the posts on my blog and the longer arcticles takes a lot of time and effort to create, both in writing and photo editing. Often though they end with almost no attention (besides the voting bots I use to try and promote myself with) so it's really nice to get some recognition on this post :)
Thanks for your kind words it always feel good to get that kind of feedback, really making a good day even better!

Happy happy birthday to @iwanderela s' heart throb. May you prosper in all you do and have many travels as ur heart deires.

Yes pls , i need a banner. How do we go about that?

Thank you so much @purpletanzanite :)
You can write me here, on facebook (I'm sure you can find me through @iwanderela) or at jlmadsen_84@hotmail.com and we can figure something out I'm sure.

Know, that "a bit" late....^^
But Happy B`day! wish you everything the best in this life! =D

Better late than never, thank you for the wishes :)

Happy birthday Jesper!! Great to hear you excited and in love! 😁

Thanks, much appreciated :)

Happy Birthday Jesper! I hope there is something great waiting for you, and I hope you can see Ruffie soon again! Or maybe you first need a break from this lazy devilgirl..
Anyway, we miss you here in Hey Fellas!

I miss you guys too, thanks @xsasj! I hope I can see her again soon also but I'm glad to hear you are teasing her for me while I'm absent, meanwhile, I'll wait for the greatness to arrive.. :D

Haha yeah she still needs a little bit of attention to keep her sweet as long as you are not around! She baked already cake here for your birthday :) Are you going to give a big birthday party?

Happy Birthday, and best wishes for your next year on this planet. It's great to hear that you consider yourself "RICH" in the proper terms.

Onwards, to greater riches... of all kinds!

I've been fairly blessed the recent years to acquire that wealth and I'm thankful for that, now, if only the economics would also follow that would be amazing! Thanks for your wishes on this day :)

Happy birthday :) (belated because I saw this 2 days later ×.×) Following and upvoted

Thanks a lot, sorry for being a bit slow, not much steemit time lately :)

No need to be sorry, we all have lives to live and love to give. 😜 I hope you have been having a good one so far. This world can try as it may to bring us down, bit we have each other as hoomans to make life more tolerable.

Hi Jesper, i'm very new to Steemit, having joined a few days ago so welcome from me in England (where the Spring is no where in sight and Summer may well have died years ago)! I enjoyed reading your first post. Goodluck with your new job and seeing more of your partner! All the best. Kiran.

Thank you for stopping by! Sorry I've been a bit slow but not much steemit time the past week.. Hope I get something good to tell :)

welcome to steemit have a good time

Welcome to steemit @wanderingdanish ! Curious to hear some of your experiences that u make in your new job :) Will follow u!

Thank you, I'm also curious to write about them, hopefully it will be a blast :)

Happy happy birthday, Jesper! Sending you warm hugs from the tropics!

xx Gel

Thanks a lot Gel, I miss you all! Free hugs to everyone :)

So the best in your life no matter what happens so this is a life experience. Lol lucky to fight for steemit. I like your articles

Good things and bad things, it's all experiences to learn from.. and on steemit it's there for an eternity on the blockchain so we can always look back to go forward :)

@wanderingdanish happy Birthday good for u you have a great gf and now job and healthy body and I guess checking on your post a thick wallet too. Cheers!

Haha I wish all that was true.. while I do have a pretty great girlfriend when she's not busy being mean I'm afraid the healthy body is a goal for the future and the thick wallet is a dream :) Thanks for the wishes!

I got a free banner from @panoramicview but I haven't posted at https://steemgigs.org :-D will post a gig soon! And you can do it too!

Happy Birthday