Hello Steemit! Let me introduce myself

Hello Steemit! I'm glad to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you guys. So, Let's start.


To begin with, I must say that I'm just a regular girl who lives a normal life, but I like it.

I'm 21 year old student from Croatia. I study multimedia and design. It's difficult to be a student. All that stress and obligations, especially when you're the kind of student that does everything at the last minute. Well, that's me. I found a way to turn my mind down and it's drawing. Since I started college, drawing became my number one hobby, actually I didn't draw so often before. Well the more I think about it I don't have any other hobby. So I tough making a blog would be nice to spend my free time and if I earn a few coins here and there it would be great to invest it in better stuff for drawing. I would like to show you guys some of my works. I am new here so any tips and triks are welcomed.


Hope you stick around long enough to see the benefits of this platform :D

Bok @vale.alice pridruži nam se na novo podignutom Discord serveru za Hrvatske Steemit korisnike detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linku ispod
(ispričavam se ukoliko si već tamo, ovaj komentar post-am po redu svima)


  • neka ti tamo bude ime kao i ovdje na Steemitu (radi raspoznavanja)
  • Javi se u kanal svoje županije da se zna odakle si

Odlicna ideja! Cim naden vrimena pridruzujem se. Hvala puno. :)

vidimo se tamo @vale.alice 👍

kada dođeš:

  • neka ti je ime tamo kao i ovdje radi lakseg raspoznavanja
  • ostavi link svojeg Steemit accounta u kanalu #hrv-steemit-accounti
  • prijavi se u kanal svoje županije da se zna ubuduće odakle si

Hey! Welcome to Steemit! This community is amazing but does take some getting use to since it’s a bit different than the other social media platforms.

I joined Steemit December 30th, 2017 and have had a blast networking, learning and earning (actually made some pretty good money so far)!

I'd suggest signing up for these free applications for Steemit that gets you upvotes and followers. The first thing you need to do as a new user is to increase your STEEM POWER (SP), which increases your visibility and voting power. These were a huge help for me.

SteemFollower https://steemfollower.com/?r=8690


Feel free to follow me @entrepreneur916, as I continue to post content to help make the Steemit community better and to help new members!

Respectfully yours,

Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.