Hi Steemit! Ultramylk here to introduce myself!

I think of social media like parties, and well, I'm pretty antisocial especially these days. There's a party at Fakebook I go sometimes because EVERYBODY is there! Duh! But everyone seemed to be getting just as sick of the same old boring limiting parties where more bouncers and promoters and bullies just keep showing up....beh. So I thought I'd come see what this party is all about. I'm learning as I go. I've made a few mistakes already trying to sort the sincere from the trolls, it's not easy though right? I've mentioned before I'm not the most tech savvy person, I'm more of a purest and I've always had problems with electricity. I might just be a SLIder if there is really such a thing. There's a lot of deception shouting around and it's hard to hear much of anything else but WHOA! What an incredible time to be alive. So much opportunity for growth and healing I am beside myself. I really just want to connect and share with real and genuine people and get a better perspective for the world we live in. We have a responsibility to be present and a part of this monumental time so here I am. I love writing and so far I feel this is a great place to start.
There's plenty more I can say about myself but I'll leave it there for now and let the rest reveal itself organically! Blessings!!


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