Droppin by to introduce myself & stayin to watch Steemit become Reddit 2.0

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

Hey what's up fellow Steemit users. I had a couple paragraphs written and went to rearrange a sentence and the text box just went blank. Tried to control Z and undo but didn't work so I'm just going to make this a lot shorter.

I heard about Steemit a while ago, but never really thought too much about it until recently. Being that on Reddit there is tons of spam/irrelevant posts scattered everywhere, I started to see massive potential in Steemit. Posting and possibly receiving some type of monetary compensation seems much better than racking up worthless e-points (Karma for people who don't use Reddit). I believe this incentive will make browsing through Steemit content much more enjoyable.

Anyway here's a little about myself. I originally planned to major in computer science, but at around 15-16 I fell in love with cars. Especially imports. I ended up going to college and taking courses that were training me to work in a dealership environment. This wasn't what I wanted to do and I ended up dropping out and instead flew out to Cali and took a week long course in electronic fuel injection tuning. I came back certified and started doing that to make money. All throughout this time my family kept nagging me to finish college/get a degree but I didn't really see a point. Being that I am the oldest of all my cousins I eventually gave in because I was supposed to "set an example". I ended up going back to college and graduated with a degree in automotive engineering. Now I have this cool piece of paper that no one has ever asked me to see.

Fast forward to 2012/2013. Bitcoin. Silk Road. Cryptography. I was fascinated by it. I wanted to learn more and more about it. This was also around the same time I started researching about corrupt governments/businesses, fiat currency being doomed in the future, and how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I tried explaining my views about society and "job security" to my friends and family, but not many listened to me. Almost all of them were still stuck on the go to college, get a degree and career, get married/have kids, get a house, retire, and let your kids do the same. I brought up the fact of the current unemployment rate regardless if people had a degree or not, the fact that the US Dollar is not backed by anything anymore and how every year we are paying our debt with more debt and why I should put my money into a "savings" account to gain a measly fraction of my balance while the banks lend my money out to others over and over again without physically having the money. All of this made me feel some type of way and I wanted a way to show my family that the normal cookie cutter build isn't for everyone.

Currently I spend most of my time following crypto/alt currencies and learning about trading/investing. A few months ago I built my first mining rig. I enjoy playing/watching competitive video games (Dota 2 and CS:GO) and am seeing that E-Sports is getting really big. I feel that we might be doomed if Trump or Clinton become president, but I guess we'll see how that goes. My pick would go towards John McAfee. Anyway happy 4th of July to everyone and hopefully we can celebrate our financial freedom in the near future.


McAfee has led an interesting life, that's for sure! Nearly anyone would've been better than the two lame-stream options.

Yeah for sure haha. Being that we live in this world full of technology and future digital innovations, I hope that whoever wins will do their homework and keep up with the times.