Who's ready to leave LinkedIn?

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

THE day has arrived. The day I take the leap. This is the day that I announce to a small segment of more that 300 Million LinkedIn members to come join me in developing the next generation of Intelligence (not Social) Networks.

The original concept of the Internet as a free exchange of information has increasingly become threatened by state censorship and the commercial interests of multinational corporations (LinkedIn/Microsoft merger) who OWN your content. Blockchain Technologies remove the vulnerabilities and make the internet free again.

Blockchain enabled Technologies such as Bitcoin, ETHEREUM, and SteemIt are Decentralized, Distributed, Autonomous entities which are growing up to soon replace the giant corporate CENTRALIZED behemoths pictured above. Lots of private individuals work on Blockchain platforms Cooperatively to build solutions. Cooperatively developed platforms generally work for all the people who participate and not solely for ONE giant, centrally controlled entity. After all, isn't Zuckerberg rich enough?

Think of it this way: An organization on Blockchain is essentially a distributed computer system (think cloud computing) that is running a very basic level of functions. These functions can be as simple as recording transactions throughout the system to recording and storing posts throughout the system for others to see. This is essentially all organizations like LinkedIn are doing; recording your posts and distributing them to people in your network, only THEY do this for you and monetize your content centrally. In Blockchain, many of these simple processes and functions can be handled by the Blockchain and eliminate the overhead of a giant corporate "Handler" for your content. Simple enough, right?

OK, so you've got my interest... Now what?

Are you ready to stop sharing your efforts with the central "Handlers" of your content and become your OWN Administrator? If so then simply come over to SteemIt.com or Busy.org and build a profile. Both of these sites use the same Steem Blockchain for managing content and building a network. Think of it as a LinkedIn WITHOUT a bunch of bells and whistles. In fact, these platforms are SO SIMPLE it may be a turnoff for most folks. The Sophistication is IN the Simplicity!

SteemIt is a VERY basic blogging platform for recording and storing articles written in Markdown Language. Busy.org is a social network designed for people who use SteemIt for a more graphical interface to this content. So if you're a writer, it's a no brainer! If you're looking for more functionality, because you post pictures of your cat or your lunch or whatever such nonsense, then you may find the lack of features irritating. To those I say GOOD! We don't need anymore cat content!

We are in the early days of new web tools and options so this is not a request for the faint of heart. If you truly enjoy the old platforms then by all means stay with them. I'm not abandoning LinkedIn myself, but rather will use Busy.org as my primary means for developing and sharing content; something that I disposed doing on LinkedIn because of the content "Handlers" analogy. With ingenuity and creativity, I can use SteemIt and/or Busy.org in a multitude of ways that can facilitate my needs. And the best part is, these platforms are uncensorable and unblockable. Meaning that YOU own your content; not Zuckerberg or Microsoft.

WTF did I just read and what do you want from me?

Well, if you're reading this then number one, Thank You. I appreciate the views. But more importantly I am here to network and build strong, interactive relationships for growing into a future of limitless possibilities. I cannot slow myself down anymore to keep pace with the stragglers in Yesterday Land, the Flat Landers as a cohort likes to say.

I adopt technology and techniques at about the pace of an Autistic Teenager with ADD and a prescription to Aderall. Which means I don't play well in rooms that need to be "dumbed down" to. I like the company of Frontiersmen, and women, and Pioneers. People who actually dream up the future and then build it. I'm looking for a few good men, and women to join me in a mass adoption run into the next great Blockchain project. Today that's Steemit and Busy.org, which use the same Blockchain. Tomorrow, it could be something even better, but one thing's for certain, we aren't going back to Yesterdayland. The era of big, centralized, corporate behemoths like LinkedIn and Facebook are over. Only the future of Decentralized, Distribute, Autonomous Collaboratives exists for me and the future...

Won't you join me?

My SteemIt Account...

My Busy.org Account...

In closing I offer up to 1 hour of my time, Pro Bono, to help facilitate the adoption of these platforms. I think of SteemIt as a Blogger's wet dream and cannot understand why more people aren't using it yet other than education. Since education is well within my capabilities I am happy to help committed individuals get up to speed.

Kind Regards...
The Quixotic Malcontent and lvl 38 on Steem ; )


Welcome to the STEEM community. I'm just as excited as you are with what this blockchain can do.

Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you and kind regards. I took the plunge and left LinkedIn for good a week ago. I give it by the end of the year and Steem will have become a suitable replacement. I'm excited.

Um. yeah that sounds like an awesome idea. I'm in.

Thanks for the reply. If you use LinkedIn then you can find me there at,

Feel free to share that post to your network there and build up your network Here! https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/whos-ready-leave-linkedin-ty-simpson

Since I started using steemit I can see clearly how social networks are evolving into a greater concept than just post to a "Handler" as you said, who manipulates and transforms your data into governamental information. So I share your opinion. Blockchain will allows social networks to descentralize into a lot of owners instead of a millionaire handler.

Thank you for the reply. And well stated...
"Blockchain will allows social networks to decentralize into a lot of owners instead of a millionaire handler."

please i am having trouble logging into Busy with my steemit account @tyroan

I had difficulties as well. I believe you need to use your account password and not just the "Posting" Password. Perhaps leave this comment up for a bit and see if some others can help. Hang in there, you'll get it soon enough. It's just difficult to learn new systems sometimes.

The account password is not working @tyroan

Your level 40 on steem now :D

; )

Thank you for this very good descripition! Upvoted and followed.

Thank YOU!

I like the way you are thinking.