Hi Steemit!
My name is Tilia. I love exploring nature and capturing it's wonders with my camera. Particularly, I focus on close-up shots of flowers and plants. Examining flowers closely often reveals that no two look the same. The beautiful shapes and colourful harmonies that are revealed in nature's structures simply fascinate me.
My first series for you is comprised of four very different flowers, that I found over the last year in Austria. Each has it's own story to tell.
[all photos were taken by myself]
My next series will feature plants found in North Carolina, USA as I am staying there for a while.
I hope that I can contribute to Steemit and that you will like my pictures!
I love flowers! Thanks for bringing this to the table! :)
Best wishes on your Stemmit journey. And remember its a marathon not a sprint!
Amazing photos you got there!
Thank You :)
hey @tilia welcome to steemit 8]
I like you, you are sexy ...
Welcome to Steemit, quick question how is your name pronounced? till-ee-uh, tie-lie-uh, tie-lee-uh?
And excellent photo's.
Thanks! It is pronounced tee-lee-uh
ooo the option I didn't type lol thank you.
I'd bet your a very happy and insight person
welcome dear friend. we love steemit and steemers