Greetings Steemit community,
We at The Venus Project are pleased to be joining this innovative social space and group of people. With a growing subscriber base of more than 300,000 on our social media pages, we wish to utilize a platform such as Steemit for further community-building and engagement.
In this post we would like to start with a brief introduction, and over time we will gradually provide the community with more information about the social direction we propose.
The Venus Project seeks to solve the world’s major problems of poverty, disease, suffering, environmental pollution, war, lack of access to education, and many others, by initiating the transition to a new socio-economic system called a Resource Based Economy.
[Embed video:
]To test how well the proposed new system will work, The Venus Project works towards the realization of an experimental city. The city will be a hub for research in science and technology, to work on solutions for the global problems faced by all human beings. The city’s population will also be working on a second city, and then on more to come, until all people can be housed and live in this very different kind of environment that the new cities will provide.
With the proposed new system, Resource Based Economy, also come a new way of thinking and values. We will be presenting them to you here, through writings, images, lectures, interviews, documentaries, and any other means of spreading new ideas.
We welcome your participation.
As a means of verification, you can find a link to our steemit.com profile on our website: https://www.thevenusproject.com/become-a-volunteer/
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Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to Steem! I'm curious about if you see blockchain tech fitting into your experimental city. After viewing your site and watching the video with Jacque Fresco, I have a basic handle of your idea of the Resource Based Economy. I understand it does not involve abstracted value like money, credits, etc. However, he says that available resources would be broadcast on TV.
A better approach to efficient resource broadcast and management might be to use a decentralized, immutable ledger like a blockchain. Resources could be recorded in such a ledger and individuals needing those resources could check them out on-site, like a library.
Thank you for the warm welcome @pfunk! As this account is currently primarily operated by volunteers like any of TVP's social media outlets, we are certainly putting forth a community discussion about the possibilities of blockchain technology and learning from this innovative space. In due time, we will organise to get more of our supporters onboard and get the discussion going.
This would seem to be a great addition to the project as a precursor and a mainstay. Feel free to drop any suggestions for us to get ourselves more involved in community-building. Thank you again, and we hope to continue our engagement on this platform.
Welcome on board !!!
The best blockchain out there, fast and scalable are Graphene based. You are then in the right place.
Steem and BitShares are the ones who would make more sense with the size and needs of such project.
Not involved abstracted value like money, credits e.t.c but still accepting steem rewards :D
Check this out, you can win Steem and trail coins for welcoming new Steemians, it is a nice post hard fork project
Please don't spam with comments promoting a contest that requires an upvote for entry.
Great to see The Venus Project on new platforms! As a new user myself and as a long time volunteer, it is also great to see so many people here welcoming to the community. I hope that these type of online communities and mechanisms will help us bring about a Resource Based Economy sooner.
Thank you to all that are supporting or just interested in the project!
I'm so glad to see you making it to our platform! I still remember talking to the founder of the Venus Project a few years ago about Bitshares... I guess he is now becoming fully aware of the potential such a powerful platform has as Steemit is its little brother.
Welcome aboard, all for one and one for all! Namaste :)
The community is seeing potentials in the technology and this is really our first foray into blockchains. We are looking forward to share more details and keep a discussion going in regards to the technology in part of TVP's vision and other various topics of interest. Thank you @eric-boucher. We will see you around!
One of my lovers requested an interview with Fresco about Bitcoin a while back and he didn't seem very excited, it didn't get done, don't remember why. I looked up later on whether he had said anything about the technology since and couldn't find a mention. I got a big smile on my face when I saw this because maybe I can get his attention now.
Sir, I've watched some some of your videos so I can tell you are a wise man. This is your opportunity to become even wiser, please look into blockchain technology. You are correct, it makes no sense to have an unlimited vehicle for the exchange of limited resources. We can calculate the resources at our disposal enough to create better administrations, transparent, efficient, sustainable...we can have accountability and most of it can be automated. We can survive, we have the means, now it's just a matter of selling it.
More people listen to you than you can imagine
Bitcoins has flaws that can't be dealt with within the system, that is why the makers of Bitcoins have invented Bitshares and, later on Steem! The advent of Stealth and Bitshares combined together will make it as anonymous as it can possibly be, once and for all. Maybe you also might be interested in VivaCoins as well, which might suit the system found where you are even more!?
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
When I said bitcoin I meant the concept, and that includes the concept of a limited supply which is not true of Steem. Not hating on Steem, but it can't represent the resources on earth because there is no limit to it. Bitcoin has flaws, I like Dash better, but Steem is a good start. Does viva have a limited supply? Is it PoW? Is there any governance?
Enjoy! This is a link to today's latest news on the matter and it also includes the white paper. So far, the most powerful platform I have came across in the world of digital currencies. Al for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Check this out, you can win Steem and trail coins for welcoming new Steemians, it is a nice post hard fork project
YES!! So happy to welcome @thevenusproject to Steemit, I've been a fan and admirer of Jacque Fresco's work and philosophy ever since the days of Peter Joseph's first Zeitgeist movie! :)
@Sebcamtv and I had even been in contact with Roxanne about finding you in Florida to volunteer in any way we could. Back then the impulsiveness was strong lol, however today the will to see a resource based economy successfully accommodating humanity is still as strong.
Now the ideas of a managing a resource based economy backed by an open source block-chain ledger, such as steemit.. wow this is literally mind blowing, ever expanding limitless potential!
I'm very excited to dive back into learning about your ideas and what you will share here. With so many intelligent, free minded, forward thinking, sovereign, libertarian and voluntarism minded people here. I can't wait to see what forward motion comes from this!
Thanks you @kenistyles for the warm welcome and enthusiasm in the project. Indeed the technology and ways that communities can be built in support of each other would improve the livelihood of future generations. Looking forward to be conversing with you again soon!
Blockchain will have great contribution to projects and societies like the Venus Project and many other alike around the globe. The twelve tribes of israel will also benefit greatly from blockchain.
Applied technologies are great when put to good use improve the livelihood of people. Thanks @obeagu
Oh my goodness. I can't believe you guys are here. Best wishes to Jacque and Roxanne and the entire team. And a BIG THANK YOU for AaaaaaaaaaaLL your help. You guys are all AMAAAAAAAAZING. I spoke to Jacque on the phone and Roxanne as well and it was just lovely hearing from both of them. Anyway, glad you're here. All the best. We all hope for a better future for all humankind 😊 Love you guys a LOOOOOOOOOOOT! 😊 Safe 😊
Awesome to see TVP join up here! I remember seeing a bit on it a while back, but going through some more now! I'm a huge fan in finding other methods to allowing 'ideal societies' to work.
If I get time tomorrow, I'm going to bring this up on the @steemittalk podcast. I'd love to have a TVP rep on the show in the future if you guys would enjoy that sort of thing.
Fantastic, really great news, Welcome :) Looking forward to read your posts and debate great ideas!
All the Best and Happy 101st Birthday to our most honorable Monsieur Jacques Fresco :)
Followed and Resteemed!
Thank you for the warm welcome @unusualconcept. While there isn't any message / chat functionalities on this platform yet, feel free to drop any feature requests and suggestions.
Busy.org is also based on the same blockchain as Steemit, which is called Steem. The same feed with different looks and a few changes, one of them is a chat. It looks more similar to Facebook, less of a learning curve, you already have an account there.
Welcome to Steemit! As an architect and urban planner, I'm looking forward to learning more about your unique approach to city-making. Great to have you here! (Followed and resteemed.)
Thanks for the welcome @voronoi. We look forward to bouncing off ideas with the community and it's great having many enthusiastic and passionate members around here.
I'd love to see us stop building across but do it up and down instead, maybe a combination? Can't keep covering the land with cement. Depending on the climate we can decide to build up or down, I'd love to see a reverted skyscraper. Look into earthbags, that's an interesting technique, very lasting.
Excited to see you guys progress, welcome!
We are excited too. Thank you!
Welcome this is truly wonderful for the platform and I hope you are happy with the engagement you have received, I can see you are already building a following and are off to a flying start, I've been watching out for your ideas for quite the while, I have to say I was very happy to see the new movie, with the exception of the "no emotion" part which I ave to say I was really expecting to come out sooner or later, too much technology can be a bane and we are already abusing technology as a species.
I like your ideas very much and the vision portrayed, I hope we get to build that "future" sooner rather than when, the resources are already squandered, I doubt a resource based economy could work without trust and commitment, we are long overdue for a change in our mentality, with all the wars and media noise going around the globe, I'm not sure we will make something as worthwhile as what your founder has envisioned :) maybe not in this lifetime :D, but I would like to see some floating cities, that shouldn't be so hard to achieve :)
In conclusion, Welcome!
I hope this chain serves you, I look forward to seeing posts from you, if you are willing to take the time, I hope you fit well in here and I hope you continue spreading and receiving the love :) nice to see good posts trending and spreading, with the added benefit of actually responding to the comments, I'm very glad indeed.
Cheers ! :)
Best of luck!
I have known about the Venus project for a very long time, and I am quite fascinated with Jacque's research on human behaviour. I actually considered writing a novel that would feature a Venus project type planet, and perhaps I still will one day, but for now I have another in the works.
Today hasn't been the greatest day for Steemit, but it is made so much better by your arrival. Welcome to Steemit. I am thoroughly excited to see you here.
We hope that you will share it with us if you ever get to finishing the novel. It's understandable that the platform is still in beta and in experimentation. Nevertheless, we are happy and excited to be here too. Thank you.
Welcome to Steemit! I hope hear from you about an eventual blockchain role in the resource based economy. Good luck again!
Thank you @wagnertamanaha - we look forward to such discussions too.
Welcome to Steemit! I didn't know about this interesting project and I am really looking forward to read more about it (I already started to browse your website).
Have fun here!
There are plenty of resources over in our website, and we're planning to publish materials over here for the community. Glad to have piqued your interest, and thanks for the welcome!
Hi! Great to see you here on Steemit. I see a connection between your philosophy and the one of this platform! I will follow you!
I'm sure communism will work when robots are in control...
No way that could ever fail! COMPUTERS! Who has time to understand scarcity? Hand-wave it away! Economic calculation problem? ALGORITHMS! Time preference? IDK what that is! DATABASES!
Understand what communism is before making such a comment.
Sharing in the wealth of the world is not a bad concept. It is our world after all. We are just brainwashed to believe that would never work, and that there isn't enough to go around. That's bullshit. What right does someone have to claim a piece of land, through bloodshed or otherwise, and then sell that piece of land? If you believe that humans should have to work their entire lives in order to make bankers wealthy, then please, continue mocking one of the very few organizations on this Earth who have been working for a long time trying to come up with a better model for existence.
In future, you ought to consider being a bit more welcoming to new users.
Hi @sethlinson - that's a common misconception about the project. It is explained in one of our FAQ entries: https://www.thevenusproject.com/faq/how-does-this-differ-from-communism/
Thanks for the cordial input.
Jokes and ideological disagreements aside, you are welcome here
so post scarcity communism?
"We realize this is a simplified description of how it differs from communism."
as a communist I see no differences?
Welcome to Steemit. I've been following the Venus Project for some years now. Could you please prove that you really are representative of The Venus Project. You can put a link to your facebook or twitter about Steemit, to prove your authenticity.
I'm very exited to see you on Steemit!
Hi @rossenpavlov - yes, we've included Steemit's mention on our website: https://www.thevenusproject.com/become-a-volunteer/
We would be adding the social media logo on the website when it is fixed in due time, and will soon announce our participation on this platform in other outlets. Thanks for the enthusiasm!
I see great synergy coming upon us all
Thank you for joining the community.
Thank you @phibetaiota!
Welcome to Steemit! I look forward to learning more about your ideas.
Thank you @donkeypong!
What a great idea! I loved the message of the video.
Welcome to steemit, there couldn´t be any bletter place to promote your project, nicely chosen :)
Following you, upvoted and resteemed the post (= 100% :))
Venus project is on steemit, awesome!
Wow. I visited the site and this is major stuff. Are there any circular cities already built or being constructed?
The prototype has been in the works in Venus, Florida. Here's a FAQ entry for a more in-depth answer: https://www.thevenusproject.com/faq/you-couldnt-just-plop-the-first-city-down-and-expect-people-to-respect-it/
Thanks for checking the website out @humanearl!
Welcome to steemit!!
Looking forward to learning a lot from you and contributing to make a better world!
Thank you @the-alien. Here's to making the world a better place!
Welcome to steemit..very excited to see you here as am a follower in facebook :)
Thank you @immarojas. Much appreciated.
you're welcome :)
I remember hearing about this a long time ago. Welcome to our community! Interested to hear how far have you gotten.
Indeed TVP has been around for quite some time. Thanks for the warm welcome :)
Glad you joined the future;D~
Upped and followed!
Welcome to Steemit, @thevenusproject
Welcome !
Feel free to ask any question you might have about Steem or Bitshares
What if one wishes to live in the country?
Wow, this is great news and a truly great addition. Welcome! Your work is much appreciated.
As many before me expressed in their comments there is synergy to be found and built upon with TVP and Steemit.
Ps: please, say hello to Sašo in Pia's and my name.
Ps2: resteemed, of course and gladly :)
Wow, your project looks like Utopia at our fingertips. Looking very much forward to learn more about it and how you will progress.
I really need to go through your website in details, but can you help me with links or by response here, how you will guarantee the messages you bring in the video you posted, ie no-crime? no-abuse? Also, what can I best read to understand what the system is, if it is not democracy, how will society rules be defined and decided upon, and how will those rules be enforced?
I love Jacque Fresco and Venus Project! Resteemed
Welcome to Steemit @thevenusproject.
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Use this Steemit FAQ as well. It is a very helpful collection. Steemit development is in Beta stage. Some things may seem to be strange. Just ask!
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Happy steemin.
This is absolutely amazing you joined on steemit finally. Really looking forward to read more.
Hey, I very like the resources based point of view, it's I think the most efficient mindset to efficiently manage our resources, provide abundance and meaning.
Creating technologies for human instead of human for technology.
I'm very interesting about deeply checking your technological innovations, could their plan be on github, it would be easy to check and contribute :)
Welcome! Glad to see you on Steemit! I hope the Venus Project will succeed at least within my lifetime :)
Where are you gonna buy land?
Welcome to Steemit!
Welcome to Steemit! I'm very excited to see you here. I've done some posts focusing around a Resource Based Economy and incentive payments. I've often thought The Venus Project has some really good ideas.
How would you separate the Venus Project from things such as Agenda 21? Does your organization make a clear distinction between itself and the globalists who want to 'save' the environment by implementing world governmental schemes?
Welcome to steem!
I propose STEEM serves a currency!
@thevenusproject and the Ubuntu movement should join forces. I hope the Ubuntu movement joins Steemit soon also.
Yes! Welcome! 👍 I'm Following!
Awesome... Welcome to steemit. ")
wow! and welcome!
I still confused about venus project. It is new for me. I have visited venus project website and try to remember.... Uhm... I ever hear about that.... But where? IJust thinking now... :)