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Amazing transformation! Welcome aboard!!

woohoo! thanks for taking the time to read this and the warm welcome, looking forward to more !

Ah I recognize that song Spotify. It was definitely in my "Discover Weekly" a while back. Very nice!

Congratulations on your vegan results. I've been a vegetarian all my life, and I always love finding good vegan alternative to diary products. Keep up the good work!

haha no way how cool! Thanks so much. Ahh there are so many great companies out there doing justice to the lifestyle. Thanks for reading :)

Congrats on this first post and welcome to Steem!

I'm really glad you contacted me through twitter! I would have probably found you anyway but that was really cool!

I really enjoyed reading your post and I look forward to seeing more from you!

if this was really his first post it was an amazing first post!

thank you! sure was looking forward to getting started here

Thank you so much for your help on this! Im excited to contribute here and bring over my friends!

WOW what an incredible story and transformation!! And welcome to Steem :) I look forward to reading more of your posts, I have been thinking about going vegan for some time, think it's time to bite the bullet and do it like you did! Off to follow you on Instagram too :)

Woohoo i love to hear this! thanks for stopping by and showing love :)

welcome on steemit @therusticvegan..... awesome 1st post and amazing transformation !

Thanks my friend !!

Wow that is quite a journey! I'll be sure to follow your Instagram :-)

woo thanks so much !!

You are very welcome - I enjoy the colors of your feed. Love the intensity of it. I enjoy food photography as well :-) Cheers PicsArt_12-08-03.39.08 1.jpg

Nice transformation , keep going

Thanks so much for the support!

super. Your post inspired me to write my story. I've been a vegetarian for 10 years. Thank you

beautiful my friend, thats what im here for! love to read your story.

awesome transformation and amazing to hear the positive changes veganism has made on your life in a relatively short period of time. Forks over Knives was also the one that made me go vegan, and I've been basking in the rewards of my new diet ever since! :)

What am amazing transformation! I'm also jumping in here from instagram after starting to get into cryptocurrencies. Your pics are stunning, cheers! check me out on insta @jasoneats

Thanks a lot ! im super into crypto as well, long term holds no trading or anything like that. Cheers !

I'll watch the movie but if you ever write a book, I'll buy it's ebook.

Thanks so much my friend !

excelente historia gracias por compartir estoy nueva en stemeet voy a seguirte espero tu hagas lo mismo

Like old man Said.... Love your life so you can live...

Keep up your nice works

love that, well said!!

Great post bro.....I would also like to say that humans also need not to kill animals because for his nutrition mother nature has gifted him lot good things........:)

100%! We help the animals and planet by going plant based. Plants give us all the nutrition we need! I dont think people understand that animals get their protein from eating plants!

I too have lost a lot of weight. Nice to see others nailing those carbs!

heck yeah carb up!! congrats :)

Nice introduction ! Your Instagram is just amazing !

aw thank you so much for checking it out! Have a great day :)

Yeah i found it very Great :) so hot and attractive

:D Thank you Shaidca!

Yo! Welcome to the Steemit Family, bjonr. I love this platform. :)

my brother! found you the other day on here. glad to be here!

Nice to meet you, @therusticvegan! Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks for the welcome, happy to be here and create!

I love to your post! What a cool body :-)

hi there, Thanks a lot !

Respect. A long way and a lot of hard work. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy new year.

so true! Thank you so much for the words ! Have a great day

Yes!!! Wait to bust the myth that you can't get vegan gains. So many dudes will flat out lie and tell you vegan protein doesn't even compare to animal protein but plant protein is actually more nutrient packed and absorbable! Just look at the stats on hemp. Thanks for representing, props, and word to your mother.

hell yeah we are here to debunk the b.s! there are huge guys out there fully vegan with some serious muscle. it is fully possible with plant based foods. i prefer to keep it lean but hey, its all good either way! Carb up my friend!

long words, hopefully get more muscles.

Welcome!!! Another vegan on steemit! Nice!!

Nice upvote @teamsteem, wow!!!

heck yeah! vegans unite !

Welcome to Steemit! Hey @danaedwards and @shinedojo, check this dude's posts out.

Thanks for the welcome. much love to jujitsu!

You're very welcome sir. Look forward to more of your content.

Welcome to steemit! I'm new myself and looking for connections with people who share similar interests (aren't we all?). Happy to have found your blog as I'm interested in wellness and nutrition. I'm following you here and plan to join instagram soon and follow you there, too. Specifically, I'm interested in recipes and ideas for how to get sufficient protein for an active lifestyle without eating meat. Although I'm not vegan, and don't want to lose weight, I can learn from your experiences :) Say hello to a fellow newbie on steemit if you'd like. Here's my #introduceyourself post. Happy New Year!

nice to meet you here friend! i will be sure to keep sharing what i've learned. message me over on instagram and i can tag some accounts for you to follow to help you on your journey !

Great! I'll start participating on instagram asap.

Nice one mate! Keep making those vegan gains!

So cool you grew such a large Instagram so quickly too!

nice to meet you mate! another vegan for the win. much respect to the art of martial arts.

Right on amigo! There seems be a good bunch of vegans on here already, I'm glad I joined already!

Have a great productive day my friend!

right back at ya !

So basically your hair turned white and you grew more hair on your chest, right? I guess I´ve to try this vegan stuff! ;))

It's worth it just for that alone! :)

hello bjonr :)

i found your post very inspiring! actually we've got some things in commun

i am also a musician wanting to stay far from energy-and-inspiration-sucking producers
just prefering to play in the streets for everyone
and for the first time i put on video online here on steemit of an original song, youmight like it

and i am a vegetarian for years i had a long vegan period that stopped since my pregnancy but reading you and going through your amazing instagram makes me want to start again ! you reach your goals man!

thank you so much for responding! its a pleasure to meet you. i will give it a listen! also i say 100% when you're ready to switch back to a plant based lifestyle. I've actually seen lots of information about raising children plant based as well but i recommend always doing the research our self to make sure!

Looking to reading more from you

Wow! I dally with Veganism on and off. And I've slowly introduced it to the family, I just haven't gone all the way commitment. But this def gives me inspo!!! Awesome post

its a slow transition at whichever pace works best for us. one meal at a time, one day at a time, or one bite at a time. so happy to be able to inspire in any way possible!

very good transformation

Thank you for sharing! @therusticvegan - Super inspirational story. Forks Over Knives opened up my eyes too. The rest of the world will soon wake up to the facts. The information is all around us :)

cheers for forks over knives! its such a life changer i am so grateful for that documentary! Everything we need is at our fingertips! im a new crypto enthusiast as well, i study every night online learning all that i can, i am intrigued!

You certainly have a lot to offer the Steemit community. We have several things in, photography, Steemit and crypto. Welcome.

wow thank you so much for that! i really hope to inspire and spread the message here from my experiences. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me! enjoy your day :)

Awesome journey and physique, thanks for sharing! While I haven't gone vegan, I have started cutting back on meat dramatically. I just don't trust it (also after watching several food documentaries [not to mention meat takes too long to digest]). All the best to you and welcome!

Thank you for the nice words! Plant way is the best way. We are not designed to digest and break down animal proteins. If you have never watched forks over knives or what the health, please take the time to! If you already have, you're halfway there then! enjoy your evening

This is one I haven't seen. I'll check it out.

Welcome to Steemit! I watched a great documentary that promoted a vegan lifestyle too. It's called What The Health, it's going around a lot now.

It's hard for me to completely cut out meat but I went from eating no vegetables to eating them once every meal, and eating much less meat. I really respect your commitment!

Great documentary! It has awaken so many people. It's not an overnight transformation for most people. We must approach it in whichever way feels right for us. Then one day we dont even look at it as a commitment, it becomes your lifestyle! Its like quitting drinking and then 10 years down the road you say, that is not a part of my lifestyle anymore, it doesnt even cross your mind! Be well !

Bodybuilding is sticking to it, and I've never made up my mind. I'm ashamed.

There is never a window that closes when it comes to fitness. We can turn anything around in the snap of a finger. I didnt even lift weights for this transformation! I did body weight calisthenics with no gym membership. All we need is our body and some creativity and determination.

Never knew going Vegan woud be so good for ones body but what about cost? im pretty sure alot of vegan based things cost more than something unhealthy as a pork chop(red meat) or a bag of lays potato chips . Coming from a 22 year old with sub-par to average eating habits how exactly could i be more mindful about being vegan and the lifestyle that it comes with?

Not to confuse you or anybody else but there is vegan which includes expensive processed treats which i love! and then there is whole foods plant based, which IS vegan but its not processed treats. Its basically 6 things, fruit, veggie/greens, grains, nuts&seeds, legumes. This may sound boring to you but check out my instagram, link is in my profile. The entire point of my account is to show people who easy and creative it can be by using plants. If you know what youre doing its the best, cheapest way to live. Think longterm, do we want to spend money on healthcare as we age, or prevention? Id say preventing is a hell of a better way to go about it!

i agree, and no i dont think its boring, its interesting. Just like when i eat alot of meat and i feel super bloated and or gassy. Its a process that would sound boring if i explained it and found out what it was that didnt agree with my stomach. But its an interesting event when it does happen. nobody likes their stomach in knots especially if your a person taking meds everyday.

yup! i have never felt like crap after i eat a meal any longer. our body cant break down animal proteins, were not designed to ingest that. if youve never watched what the health give it a look!

Seen it when i was a bit younger in high school but i will definitely give it a second watch

Yes! I'm a big believer in the power of manifestation and visualisation and how it can really help bring into fruition whatever we desire. I'm really inspired by how you turned a relatively unfavourable situation into fuel to motivate you further and what a pay off! Your creativity with food and photography is a delight to observe and educating people on the benefits of a plant based diet is such a valuable contribution to community. Thanks for sharing @therusticvegan!

love your response thank you dear! I feel my life really started to change as i went plant based vegan. not only the way i looked but the way i felt, viewed the world, myself and others. Its an awakening in my opinion and im here to show others we can all do this. Its the easiest thing, just change what we put in our mouths! its like like im telling you to go and climb mount everest with no shoes on. It's literally change whats on our plate, simple! I take life one day at a time, ive learned to live present, forget everything else.

@therusticvegan A relatively simple concept that shows what we put into our bodies - essentially our fuel and what we need to survive, would have such a huge impact on our overall health, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. Unfortunately, most people have been poorly educated about nutrition and succumb to habits that they have created over years due to lack of education or simple laziness. That's why it's so inspiring to see you persevere through something that a lot of people would generally dismiss to show that it's incredibly simply to change your habits and ways, especially when they prompt such an increase in your overall holistic health. I really look forward to seeing what you share! 🌻

100% true. its by design this way and im fortunate enough to be awake. too many are fast asleep and ill do all i can to toss around the red pill! this platform will be me an opportunity to do so and im glad i found it !

Nice intro post bro, vegan community is growing here on Steemit, I love it. Keep at it my dude, will be sure to follow!! :D

i love to see that, im new but telling all my friends on instagram to come sign up! thank you !

cool transformation

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to sharing so much more here with everybody

hell yeah man diet is where it all begins, and it really shows with your transformation!! keep up the awesome work, I think you have found yourself a nice niche here on steemit, run with it!! welcome from @conradsuperb I wish you the best of luck on your journey here!!

I agree! its what we put into our bodies! im looking forward to sharing my creations on here. if you have not seen my instagram ill be posting all the recipes here from now on! also telling everybody over there to sign up here.

Will definitely head on over to check out your IG, I am looking forward to seeing some of your recipes!! YES, keep spreading the word about steemit!! Good luck my friend, I will be tuning into some of your future content here on steemit

thanks soo much its very appreciated! much love and hope to see you around here

Bravo! Welcome to the club. I've recently joined myself and think it's awesome. A lot of what you wrote about rings a bell. I, myself, went vegan a bit back (similar but not exact circumstances). I have always loved to cook, and also a DJ, but from Alabama, lol. Played Sax a lot when I was younger, and need to pick that back up and start producing music like I keep telling myself...smh. Anyways, like your stuff, I'll follow for more content and some like minded banter. I too enjoy taking pictures, but just haven't gotten serious in that regard. More hobby like enjoyment. Think I would love producing videos, so I really need to get some production gear and start playing around... Welcome again, look forward to some recipe inspiration.

such similarities thats cool!! i played the drums when i was little so i can relate even further. if you want photo inspo follow peter mckinnon on youtube, he blew up so quick ! also follow his buddy travelfeels as well. cheers !

Thanks for sharing! I'm about to venture into creating a photography aesthetic, this is super inspiring!

thank you for reading its my pleasure! you can do anything you have a passion for. ill post some photography tips ive learned as well !

Wonderful, thank you!!

Looks like going vegan turned ya gray, j/k. Good job bro.

haha those damn veggies! Thanks bro

Your Post is top-notch and guess what , i posted my first introduceyourself post today.Excited!.

welcome here as well! i will give your post a read! thanks again

So good to hear your story Kemal! I barely cooked as well until I started my instagram account and now I even surprise myself with the stuff that I come up with! I started following your account as it inspired my cooking but now my partner is on board too as he is a vegan producer as well and loves hearing about your journey. Thanks for always inspiring and sharing your thoughts!

nice to meet ya! sounds like we have some similarities! i love it. thanks for taking the time to read this. hope you both come up with some more killer ideas

Congratulations on your belief. because it is a difficult period that requires patience. I am vegetarian. people are not very gifted, but hard to continue without giving up. you are an example to many people ..

life is a game of patience in my opinion! Thank you for the nice words. we must always believe !

Hey@therusticvegan! I loved your story, I believe all our knocks points us in the direction of our Destiny. I tried to become vegan in July 2017 but an injury to my ankle left me unable to monitor what I ate and yes, I went back to eating meat. I also like the look of your dishes, they look delicious! I'm going to follow you and will look forward to your recipes in future posts. Upvoted. Peace.

thanks for the welcome! sorry to hear about that but i am sure you can and will get back on the horse. we can all do it, we just gotta believe in it. take care !

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