Hi, welcome!
You have awesome pictures here and definitely will post awesome travel stories, am I right? 😉 Well if so, please use Steemit World Map! This is where Steemian tags their superb travel stories and whatnot.
All you have to do is type at the end of your article;
(!)steemitworldmap (coordinate numbers) lat (cordinate numbers) long (title of your article) d3scr
- please lose all the brackets tho!
The bot will map your story and if it's good enough, the admins will vote yours AND feature it :)
You can get the coordinate numbers from Google map 😊
Have fun on Steemit
thekitchenfairy and click vote.@thekitchenfairy - a Steemit witness. To cast your vote, please go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses On the provided box type
:D Hello, thank you. Ahh, that´s interesting. I´ll try that out and see if I can find the map point from former locations where we have been.. We often travelled with the sun.. just south.. and did not know where we were :D But I remember that sometimes we put map points :D Saludos!