Welcome to the Galactic Mayan Weather Report... on STEEMIT! :cD

Today I commit to delivering these Daily Galactic Mayan Weather Reports here on Steemit, inspired to follow through with fierce devotion by the wonderful February challenge by @rensoul17 you can view by clicking HERE.

These daily sharings are original content written through reflection of my many years working intimately with the Mayan Dreamspell cosmology and dancing with the sacred science of Synchronicity, The Law of Time. Every 13 days I will publish a Video Report for the 13 day period ahead we call a "Wavespell" along with a video in the middle to update how its all rolling along. 🙂

If you enjoy them, please do Upvote and ReSteem with your networks and leave a comment! Remember to Follow @thecreativerebel as well to get these daily. Really enjoying meeting so many creative and fascinating people from around the world here on Steemit! Now enough rambling, scroll down below the meme and you will find today's rantings of a madman. 🙃

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Red Planetary Earth - 4th February 2018

As we enter the 10th day of the Yellow Star Wavespell, we enter into the domain of the power to Manifest into Reality whatever the theme of the 13 Day Wavespell. Here we find many secrets hidden in the divine mathematics of the ancient Mayans, masters of synchronicity and Time!

Today's Mayan Dreamspell Archetype, the Red Planetary Earth, is shared by the legendary country musician Willie Nelson and brings the spirit of evolving our capacity to navigate our evolution through slowing down our minds and listening carefully to our reality through our HEARTS with love, not fear.

If we truly wish to weave the ultimate masterpiece of our lives with what we have been gifted in this lifetime, then the Red Planetary Earth comes to remind us that we must let go of all of the mental masturbation around how it should look, why its not possible and what conditions our life must have in order to allow it to happen, and rather get busy living in the NOW, connecting with the heartbeat of Pacha Mamma (Schumann Resonance), and listening to her language of Synchronicity.

Every moment of our life, the universe is speaking to us through our external reality, reflecting back to us the subtle clues we need in order to find our direction in every moment.

It is great to have a long-term plan, to dream the greater dream, but if one heads the Red Planetary Earth, then one must also be ready to drop the future ideals in order to truly embrace the incredible exquisiteness of the Now when our awareness tunes in can fully perceive it.

One of the greatest life lessons that aligns deeply with today's archetype, I learnt in my earlier years in acting classes. We often feel we must DO in order to achieve a result, yet often, especially in acting, it is in fact during those moments of pause where we create the real magic... a well placed pause in a performance can generate and guide so much energy in the words and actions that surround it.

So take a moment today to pause... to just stop and let go for a moment and listen to whatever surrounds you... who knows what messages you might hear being whispered on the winds of time... 🔮🗝💕


I do wish to weave the ultimate masterpiece of my life, this is just one of many things I came to this planet to do. Your posts are like revelations. The name of your post gives me chills. Back in the mid-eighties I spent two years working with the Mayans as a missionary in the jungles of Central America Belize. I was there during the time the archeologist dug up one of the Ancient step Pyramids, that you can now see in the Brittanica encyclopedia. We were a medical mission camp, but we also cooked dinner every evening for the arccheologist.

Wow! THAT is an incredible experience @rensoul17!
Ever since I was a young boy I was enamoured with Peru and the Inca civilisation. I eventually found my way there 10 years ago, and that was where synchronicity lined me up with my teachers of that time. All of middle/south america speaks to me like a second home. I always dreamt of what it would have been like to take part in those archeological expeditions, discovering those ancient masterpieces and feeling the old energy rushing out of them as they were uncovered.
How was the experience?? The Mayan Culture is deep and expansive, truly masters of Time & Space.

It was a great experience, although I stayed busy cooking and visiting the villages and assisting the nurse to help those who got sick. We were a medical missionary camp, located on a tropical fruit farm. That was when I first discovered Plantains. At first, I thought they were Bananas. Actually, there were to groups of people that lived near our camp the Mayans and another group that lived in houses on sticks, they had their own witchdoctors, they were/are the Garifunas. Every day there was a new adventure while toiling through 123 degrees (in the shade) heat. And it was monsoon season, so it rained constantly. I remember the small artifacts that the archeologist brought back such as clay-like spoons and bowls found near the unearthed step pyramid mound. The most beautiful thing of all was to hear the Mayan children sing. They sang using every inch of their energy and they clapped and danced. I remember thinking their voices were so nasal they sounded like Alvin and the chipmunks. I hated to leave and in some way, I feel I left a part of me there. And I bought apart of Belize back home with me. ...Oh well, back to work thanks for reading and listening @thecreativerebel

Thank you for sharing @rensoul17! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the adventure! It feeds the creative rebel in me. ;)

Welcome thecreativerebel, hope you will have a great time here on steemit!

I really like this post thecreativerebel! keep it up!

Hope you enjoy being here :)

Thank you @maryarez, In the short time I have been playing in the Steemit Community I have begun to meet some really magical and inspiring people, really enjoying it. :)