I wish I was a bigger fish on STEEMIT so I could upvote you like $10.00 for this post because you deserve so much more money for this wonderful post. You have learned a valuable lesson and I assure you things are going to be brighter for you from this moment on.
You are right to get healthier, and I'm behind you 100% in helping your parents get out of debt. (YOU WILL DO IT!)
It may not look like it right now, but I think you are in a great position to meet all your financial and health goals. Just be persistent and actually DO all those lessons you learned the hard way with the Bitconnect fiasco.
I am very happy (and I'm sure your parents are as well) that you did not harm yourself and you found a more positive way to better EVERYONE's life. I'll keep an eye out for your posts in the future.
Really appreciate your lovely comment , I hope you have a great year and great health too ...