Hi Steemit, it's a pleasure to meet you! This is my first post. On the internet, ever. This is really exciting for me! I've never posted anything online before. Which might not suprise you. I'm a French bulldog. You know, one of the little cute bulldogs, not the big and mean ones. Sometimes people think I'm a pug. Which I'm clearly not!
My owner is Jörg, cofounder over at Bitwala. He's really excited about Bitcoin and Blockchain and such. So he founded a company that is making international bank transfers easier. His cofounders are Jan and Ben. Here's an old picture of us standing in front of our old office in Berlin. Oh woof, good old times!
I'm usually not that interested in all the stuff my owner does. I like to sleep and eat and occasionally meet a nice male dog. But Jörg takes me to the office everyday, so I pick up a little bit here and there. By now, I'm actually quite knowledgeable about everything they do. And really excited about cryptocurrency and blockchain! My favorite cryptocurrency is Dogecoin, obviously. I'd really like to meet Kabosu one day, the dog who made us dogs famous on the internet. So I convinced Bitwala to accept Dogecoin, too.
I'm getting bored sometimes, and playing fetch gets a little old. So I decided to learn computers. It's working out pretty good so far. And since a dog writing a blog is kind of new, I decided to give steemit a shot, because that's equally unique. And I can answer all your questions regarding Bitwala and Bitcoin and Dogecoin and help my owner put some treats on the table. So ask me anything!
In case you're wondering, we're going to use half of my steemit payouts for charity, something crypto- and animalrelated. Please tell me if you have any ideas! And the other half I get to buy treats for.
I think that's it for now ... oh look, a squirrel! Bye now!
EDIT: Oh, I see you got them working! Cute little gal...Welcome to Steemit! For reliable Steemit image links, use http://steemimg.com. Nice to meet you, and I'll see you around the Steemitsphere!
to the moon!
That's so inspiring! Wow!
Frenchies rule them all!!
Was there a special reason for Bitwala moving from Berlin to the Netherlands? And bitwala is a great service too. Great to see the Bitwala team on #Steemit!
Welcome and you're a cutie!