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RE: AI Squat Manifesto

I absolutely love this @hr1! It's awesome seeing so many of the pieces that had been discussed actually being implemented!

While I don't see the ability to physically join you in the foreseeable future, I'd love to be a part of this and contribute what I can. (I can see virtual conference room equivalents being very helpful in for those interacting remotely.)

I tend to work from the human mindset and motivation side of things. Specifally I'm facinated in the concepts of individual passions, progression/growth and sustainable (psychological) community interaction.

I worked as a knowledge engineer for an AI company where I got even better at degenerating analytical methods by an 'expert' into a slew of concept, plan and goal nodes. While my primary thoughts are of 'Seed AI,' there is still a lot of merit to what I view as glorified if/then state machines.

I'm from the school of thought that everybody does everything for some reason, even if it's as simple as I wanted to see what would happen, to I wanted to be random, to I just didn't care. I feel there is a lot of under-noticed, under-appreciated, and under-utilized power behind a passionate person doing what they want to do. (Musician play music regardless. What do other people regardless?)

I'm not quite sure how I can contribute at this stage, but more than willing to do what ever I can to see this succeed!



I am counting on you, Sykochica! It's already obvious that we can't be just an isolated community. There will be people on the other side of the internet who will participate.. And your ideas already proved to be helpful.

I have also some wild ideas about a decentralized organization in a Swarmwise style (by @falkvinge), but this might be just too crazy :)

I'd still be very interested on your ideas! Quantum and Relativity started as "might be just too crazy!"

Being a 'middle path' sort of person I suspect well end up seeing a quasi-decentralized setup, but we shall see. I love being shown other options or better yet, proven wrong. :)