Hello, I'm surfknasen! (Late introduction post)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


(Me to the left in the picture. This is the only one I have on my computer right now :P)

Hello, people on the internet!

I’m a teenager from Sweden. Like many people, I have big dreams. There is a lot I want to do and one of those things is writing fiction, so that is what I will be doing here on my Steem blog. I might do some other posts sometimes, but I don’t know what that'd be yet… So expect mostly fantasy fiction from me!

Alright… so what do I like to do in my spare time? Well, the list would be huge, but one other thing that I spend a lot of time doing is programming. I started programming two years ago when I got an Arduino on my birthday (an Arduino is an electronics prototyping platform). With my Arduino, I built an auto-shooting catapult for a school project, which was very fun! I did some other smaller things with it as well. After that, I went on to learn how to make computer games. I spent a year on learning, and half a year on a mobile game that I have now published on Google Play which is nearing 10,000 downloads!

Well, enough of the programming talk…

So, surfknasen, why did you start writing fiction? Simply put, I just enjoy it, that’s all I can say. I’ve always read a lot and like creating stories in my head. For a long time, I’ve just been lazy and never got to writing. One day I discovered this site (~20 days ago), and I realized I could write and post fiction to an audience here. I immediately started writing on a story that I’ve had in my mind for a while, but I wasn’t really happy with it so I didn’t write a part two. I instead wrote some short stories as practice and then started posting my new serial, The Unburnt Ranger. After posting the second one I discovered @thewritersblock (discord server) and got incredible feedback and advice on how to improve my writing and the part 3 of that serial!

Well, that's what I've got to say about myself.

If you’ve got any questions or anything, ask away.


You've found your "tribe" in the Steemit community! We're thrilled to have you at the Block and hope to give you the kind of support you need to fully realize your goals as a writer. You definitely have the talent!

Thank you for the kind words! I'm so glad I found TWB!

Dang, apologies for not welcoming you until now. Welcome! Glad to have you on TWB. Looking forward to your posts.

No worries, it's hard to keep up with everything. Thank you, I'm happy to be there!

Welcome, surfknasen! Very happy to have you in @thewritersblock, you sure bring in a lot of laughter there. And whistles ;)

Ah, thank you! I could whistle the Harry Potter theme all day.

Very good presentation ... I support your creativity to create stories.

Thank you :)

Welcome Surfie! Glad to have you in TWB to chat and write with! Looking forward to seeing more of your story! :)

Thank you! I'm glad you like them :)

Good to have you in TWB. :)

Thank you, I'm happy to be there :)

Welcome to Steemit. I've seen you around at The Writer's Block, though not sure if we had a chance to chat yet. So here is my chance to say hello :)

All the best from a fellow writer and blogger.

Thank you, and hello :)

You got adopted by a bunch of weird people accidentally, now you have to live up to their expectations. Way to go for 20 days on Steemit!

We're all glad to have you and yadda yadda. Don't forget to mention us when you're accepting literature prizes in the future (or being interviewed for making the 2025 equivalent of The Witcher 3).

Steem on!

Wow, thank you. I sure got a bit of pressure now, haha. Gotta keep on delivering the best I can do!

Welcome dear

You can read what I wrote about your post here.Hi @surfknasen, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble.

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Thank you so much!

I do admire you for introducing yourself and tagging it as "fiction".

Who knows if you're actually a hairy Norwegian man instead of a Swedish teenager.

Hmm, well I tagged that because... y'know... I write fiction.

And yes, you never know ;)

And I sometimes write erotica, but I don't tag my introduction post as erotica. ;)

Butt we can never know (fun intended)

So you mean I shouldn't tag fiction?

Welcome to Steemit.

If you like fiction/fantasy your welcome to join my experimental interactive battles..an enrolment is currently running and might help you gain some like mind followers haha or not!

Interesting, I'll have a look.

I'm just teasing you, good penguin, not in a fun way though. So I am sorry.

Oh, haha, don't worry.

..this means you too apsu - come join the battles :)

Thanks nigel, I'll try to remember :)